Chapter Twenty-Two

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You were completely silent as you stared at the man in front of you, hands trembling as they gripped the sharp object in your hands.

Taehyung sat in front of you, eyes closed shut as he swallowed hard, waiting for you to do the deed and get it over with.

With a deep breath, you leaned forward, knuckles white as you carefully brought the scissors up to Taehyung's mouth, positioning them around the thick leather-like threat.

"Are you ready?" You whispered.

Taehyung opened his eyes slowly, giving you a small nod of approval.

You took a deep breath, clamp the scissors shut and cutting the first piece of thread.

You couldn't stop yourself from growing angry as you continued to cut away at the thick threading that kept his mouth shut.

What kind of person would do this? What kind of sick mind would be jealous enough to sew his own brother's mouth shut?

Taehyung frowned at your angry expression, his hands moving to cover your own fondly.

You shook your head, brushing him off as you finally finished your task. The thread was cut, now all you had to do was pull it out.

Your hands were surprisingly steady as you pulled the thread through the holes Jimin had made, the dried blood only causing minimal difficulty.

A sigh of relief left your lips once the last piece of thread was out, leaving Taehyung's mouth free to move freely.

The blond haired man opened his mouth to speak, but you were quick to silence him, hands reaching for the small bowl of warm water that you had fetched from the bathroom earlier.

Taehyung watched silently as you dipped a clean washcloth into the hot liquid, making sure it was nice and damp before you ever-so-gently began to clean his wounds, eyebrows furrowed in frustration as you wiped off the dried blood.

Taehyung allowed you to help him, which surprised him. He had never wanted or needed help from anyone else...and if it had been anyone else trying to help him, he would have refused. He'd rather never be able to talk again than allow himself to become weak and vulnerable.

But you were different, weren't you?

Maybe it was because he had grownup in a place where trust was rare-stupid even...but the light you possessed was something that drew him to you...You were special...and he could see it, even if no one else could.

You placed the washcloth down into the now reddish colored water, fingers gently stroking over the bruised skin of his lips, eyes making sure you hadn't missed a single piece of that cursed thread.

It was an innocent enough gesture.

Taehyung knew that you were merely checking him for more injuries or wounds, but that didn't stop his heart from racing...

"There." You breathed, leaning back from the tall man. "It's all gone."

Taehyung raised a finger to his lips, lightly tapping at the broken skin.

"Th-Thank you." He said.

You smiled sadly at the sound of his voice, head nodding as you stood to your feet, grabbing the bowl of water and walking towards the en-suite bathroom.

Taehyung followed your actions, raising to his feet and watching you pour the blood-soiled liquid down the drain.

"I suppose I have to get married now." You whispered as you hung the washcloth up to dry. "J-Jimin will be angry if I'm late to my own..."

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