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"Testing. Testing. Okay, I think it's recording. Then, let's begin."

"Anyone up for seconds?"

Your voice filled the room as you stared over the table of men, a smile resting on your features as you watched them shake their heads, their mouths full of the food you had cooked.

You let out a chuckle, slowly standing to your feet.

"Then, I'll go bring out the dessert."

"This interview is now being recorded. Why don't you start by stating your name?"

Namjoon jumped to his feet, shaking his head as he moved closer to you, eyes scanning over your figure for a brief moment.

"Let me get it," He smiled. "You should rest."

You rolled your eyes, lightly tapping his arm as you moved past him.

"Dear lord, Joon. I'm pregnant, not helpless."

"My name is Park Jimin."

"Okay, Mr. Park, why don't you start by telling me why you want this job?"

Namjoon smiled widely at you, placing his hand on your swollen tummy as he beamed.

"I know. I just want to take care of you and make sure she's healthy."

You chuckled, leaning up and pecking his cheek softly.

"I think I can manage to get a pie out of the fridge, babe."

"Well, I guess you could say the main reason is my girlfriend."

"You'd better listen to her, Kim." Jin called from the other side of the table. "She's too stubborn to let you wait on her hand and foot."

You nodded your head.

"Thank you, Jin."

"I got the pie!"

"Oh? Is she pressuring you to make more money?"

Your eyes widened slightly as Jungkook's voice rang out, a large smile on his face as he approached you.

"What?" He asked taking in your look of distain. "I wanted pie and you two were too busy arguing to do anything about it."

You rolled your eyes affectionately at the red head.

"You know," Jungkook continued. "If you ever decide to jump ship on this loser, I'd be more than happy to-"

His words were cut off by his own cry of pain as Hoseok's hand met the back of his head harshly, the older male sending him a hard look.

"She's literally pregnant with his child," He scolded. "Show some class, Jeon."

"Actually, I want to be able to spend more time with her...Recently, things have been really hard between us."

Jungkook grumbled under his breath, hand rubbing his now sore head as he walked back to his seat at the table.

"It's so hard to believe that it's already been five years since that night."

Your gaze fell upon Yoongi as he spoke, his eyes examining the champagne in his glass.

You nodded slowly, swallowing hard at his words.

"So much has changed since then," Jin added softly. "I almost don't recognize any of us...after what happened..."

"We all changed." Namjoon finished.

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