Chapter Four

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"You must be Y/n."

A large smile covered your features as you took the man's hand, eyes scanning over his handsome features as you nodded.

"That's me." You confirmed. "And you must be Seokjin."

He nodded, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Call me Jin." He winked, moving his eyes to the frowning blond beside you. "And you must be-"

"Jimin." He interrupted coldly, ignoring Jin's attempt to shake his head. "Her boyfriend."

You sighed heavily at his rude actions, mentally wishing you had just left him home.

Jin eyed him for a moment, before stepping aside, giving the two of you room to enter the small apartment.

"Come in." He said. "Dinner is already prepared. I just need to set the table."

You nodded as the two of you stepped inside, watching as Jin walked into the kitchen.

As soon as he was far enough away from you, you sent a hard glare to Jimin.

"Was that really necessary?" You whispered.

He huffed, peeling his coat off his body.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He lied. "I don't see why we couldn't just order in."

You rolled your eyes, deciding to ignore his blatant lie, taking off your own coat and hanging it on the coat rack that was positioned beside the door.

"They were kind enough to invite us over." You scolded. "I know you'd rather be making love to your work, but you need to be on your best behavior and for god's sake, stop being such a dick."

He raised an eyebrow at your remark, his mouth turning downwards in a frown.

"Right." He gritted.

"I'm serious." You stated. "These guys are really nice and I want tonight to go well."

"Why?" He accused. "You don't want me to ruin your chances of sleeping with them?"

You stared at him with an awe'd expression, a cold chuckle leaving your mouth.

"Last time I checked, Jimin.." You whispered coldly. "You were the one who cheated. So back off and start acting like a decent human being."

Your boyfriend watched as you walked away from him, putting a smile on your face as you greeted your new friends.

He frowned, running a hand through his hair as he took a deep breath, following behind you.

"Everything smells so good!" You exclaimed, happily.

"Thank you." Jungkook popped proudly.

Hoseok sent him a disapproving look.

"You didn't even do anything."

The red-head shrugged.

"Way to expose me." He muttered.

You chuckled at their words, smile growing wider.

"So, you guys have been here for a few years, right?" You asked.

Hoseok nodded.

"Yeah. Why?"

You moved your gaze to the ceiling.

"Do you know who lives in the upstairs apartment?" You paused. "Mrs. Kim didn't give me a lot of information about him. She says he likes to keep to himself."

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