Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Absolutely not."

A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you reached for the kitchen knife, pulling it from the drawer before walking towards the table where your backpack was placed.

"Don't be like this, Taehyung." You breathed. "We both know I can't just leave them there to die."

The chestnut--haired man shook his head.

"We'll find another way to get them out of there." He explained. "You're going back too soon. He's using them to get to you."

"You don't think I know that?" You snapped. "I'm not stupid. I know what going back means for me....I know what's waiting on the other side of that door."

Taehyung frowned, running a hand through his messy locks as he took a step forwards.

"Then why?" He whispered. "Why are you so determined to go back there if you know that you're walking right into a trap?"

Your eyes slowly met his as you placed the knife inside your backpack, your mind already determining the battles you would surely have to face in the other world.

You could see on Taehyung's face that he was worried for you-for your safety and the thought had your heart stuttering for a brief moment. He cared about you...he made that clear to you the night he helped you escape..and you-you cared for him as well.

You wished you were a bad person.

Maybe then you'd be able to forget about this place. Forget about Namjoon and Jimin and leave...never to come back again.

Perhaps you were stupid.

"I can't just leave them with him," You started, "They're in this mess because of me. All of this is because of me...I've been there...I know what that monster can do-what he's capable of and so do you....How can you ask me to leave them, when you know how much danger they're in."

A huff escaped his fully-healed lips, his gaze darting all over the kitchen as you swung your backpack over your shoulder, readying for your adventure to the other side.

"What happens if you're trapped there?" He asked. "For all you know, you're just giving yourself away..He may never let them go."

Your eyes were set.

"I have to try."

"I agree with her."

You both jumped back at the sudden voice that filled the kitchen, eyes darting towards the red-headed man who currently leaned against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest as he stared at you.

Taehyung's eyes widened at his words.


"She's a grown woman." He said. "She has a right to make her own choices...We shouldn't stop her-We can't stop her."

Taehyung frowned.

"Why are you supporting her?" He asked. "You hate Jimin."

Jungkook chuckled, shrugging his shoulders.

"I won't deny that," He snickered. "But it isn't my decision. It's Y/n's. She cares about him...and I know for a fact...that if it were her stuck in that place....We'd all risk everything to bring her back to safety."

You sent the red-head a smile, nodding your head in his direction.

He returned the motion, a sad smile forming on his lips.

Taehyung's eyes snapped to yours.

"I'm going with you."

You shook your head, moving towards the living room.

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