Chapter Twenty-Six

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Your hands were shaking as you finally managed to pull yourself off of the floor, eyes lit with an anger you never knew you possessed.

You couldn't stop yourself from reaching up, grabbing your head that ached pain from the life you had lost to the man before you.

Jimin smiled down at you, his eyes shining with a silent victory he believes he had won.

"You don't look happy with me." He stated, a condescending tone ringing beneath his voice.

You honestly couldn't think of anything to say to the man in front of you.

You knew he was cruel. You had seen exactly what he was capable of...but all of that seemed like child's play now.

He wiped your memories.

He stole your life from you...He stole your first love away from you and made you completely oblivious to how happy you could have been.

He was fueled by his own selfish desires...He didn't love you like he claimed to and that fact was painfully clear as you stared up at him, hatred blossoming in your chest....

Even if you lost this game...You could never spend another day with that man-with that monster.

Perhaps it would be dishonest of you, but why should you care?

If he truly expected you to stay with him after what he had put you through, he was even more stupid than you originally thought.

"Y-You are insane." You breathed heavily, hands quickly wiping away the tears that streamed from your eyes.

You wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing you cry....not anymore.

Jimin only seemed to grow fonder at your display of aggression, body lowering to your height as he tilted his head, black hair falling over his dark eyes.

"Of course I am." He cooed, wiping your tears with his thumb. "If I were normal, I would never have you."

You jerked away from his touch, eyes burning with fury as new memories running through your mind all at once, almost overwhelming you with emotions.

"You'll never have me anyway." You gritted out. "I'll die before that happens."

You expected the raven-haired man to lash out at your words, but you were only met with a dangerous chuckle, a hand coming to rest on the small of your back as he moved closer, whispering in your ear.

"I won't let you do that."

You wanted to believe that his words were just insane rambling, but something in the way he spoke had your body tensing up in fear. You had no idea what he was implying...but you knew that he had some kind of sick plan in mind....

A plan that would end in you never being able to leave him...

The very idea had your stomach turning in unease.

What exactly did this dark-hearted creature have in mind for you?

You didn't want to find out.

"What happened to you?" You were speaking before even considering the consequences of your actions. "What god-awful thing must have happened to you to make you the way you are now?Who hurt you so badly?"

Jimin only seemed to be amused by your question, his head tilting to the side as he lowered himself down to your level of sight, his hand gently cupping your cheek.

"You did."

You pulled yourself away from him, eyes hardening on his features as you stood to your feet, knees shaky.

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