Chapter Twenty-Three

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A soft sigh left your parted lips as your body began to stir into consciousness, eyes blinking rapidly as they struggled to adjusted to the sunlight that poured in through the windows of your bedroom.

You sat up, arms stretching over your body as memories of the night prior came crashing into your skull, causing your head to begin pounding with the stress of the situation you now had to face.

A groan left your lips as you forced yourself to leave your bed, hands grabbing the long robe that rested on the end of the bed you once shared with your boyfriend.

A pang of emotion shot through your chest as you tied the robe around your form, hands becoming slightly shaky as you took in your situation.

Jimin and Namjoon were gone. And Jimin-The other Jimin took them...that was something you were certain of.

Judging by the rotten groceries Taehyung had discovered on the kitchen table, they had been gone longer than you had originally believed...that psychopath must have taken them to ensure you would walk right back into his trap.

You frowned in frustration, opening the door to your bedroom and walking down the stairs.

Taehyung had slept on the couch the night before, not wanting to be an inconvenience to you even after you had reassured him that he would be no such thing...

You assumed that he was feeling guilty about his actions...and maybe sleeping on the couch would make him feel better?

In all honesty, you had no idea what was running through his mind and you were thankful for that...

Your head perked up at the sweet scent that wafted through your nostrils as your feet landed on the first floor, soft humming filling your ears as you walked towards the kitchen.

You couldn't stop yourself from smiling as your eyes landed on the now chestnut haired male, watching as he moved his head to whatever rhythm that played in his mind.

His once blond hair changed as soon as the two of you made it through the small door as well as the color of his eyes...the usually bright blue orbs now a soft shade of brown.

He looked exactly the way he did when you first met him...the first day you arrived in this place.

His wounds have also healed..seemingly over night. No punctures or incisions could be found on him as soon as he left his world behind.

A large smile graced your lips as he turned to face you, eyes widening in surprise at your sudden appearance. If you didn't know any better, you'd say that this was the great start to a great day....but, sadly you did know better....and there was no way this day was going to end well.

"You're cooking?" You asked.

The chestnut-haired male nodded slowly, showcasing the steaming plate of pancakes he held in his hands.

"My brother-"He paused, considering his words. "J-Jimin...he didn't feed you while you were being punished and you didn't eat anything at dinner..."

You grinned, walking over to him.

"Thank you."

He shook his head, watching as you sat down.

"Don't thank me." He started. "I've done nothing worthy of thanks...I could make you breakfast every day for a life time and it would still not make up for all of my wrong doings."

You gave him an odd look, placing a forkful of pancake in your mouth.

"Way to ruin the mood." You laughed.

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