Chapter Nineteen

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You couldn't stop your hands from shaking as you stared down at the food in front of you. The sound of cutlery scraping against the fine china plates filled you ears as well as the conversing of the numerous people that sat at the table, all of them either laughing or debating something pointless.

From the outside, you were sure this seemed like a normal family dinner. People laughing, delicious food being eaten...but in all reality...this was hell. This was your hell.

You were surrounded by the familiar faces of your closest friends from the real world, but you didn't know any of these people...You didn't know how far they would go to serve their master and keep you locked in this hell for the rest of your life.

Taehyung sat beside of you, eating his food as if nothing bothered him...He didn't speak as much as the others did, but he would certainly throw in a pun here and there...His presence was oddly comforting to you...You couldn't pinpoint why, but you had a small amount of trust in the blond-haired man....even if he refused to help you get back home.

"You aren't eating."

Your body jumped at the deep voice that spoke up, silencing everyone at the table as their dark eyes landed on your figure.

Jimin's gaze inspected you carefully, his hand reaching over to grab hold of yours.

You flinched as his skin came into contact with your own, hating how terrified you were in that moment.

"I-" You cleared your throat. "I'm not hungry."

Jimin raised an eyebrow at your weak excuse, his grip on your hand tightening in a warning manner.

"This party was thrown in your honor, babygirl." He spoke with venom. "You don't want to be rude, now do you?"

You gritted your teeth, deciding it was best to keep your thoughts to yourself, or end up with another broken body part.

You jerked your hand from his, reluctantly grabbing the fork sat beside the steaming plate of food and taking a few small bites.

Jimin beamed at your obedience, his expression showing how giddy he was to finally have you listening to him without throwing a fit.

He watched with amusement as you ate, enjoying the uncomfortable expression that rested on your beautiful features.

You had changed into the outfit he prepared for you; A midnight blue silk dress that clung to your every curve as he had designed it to do... He had begun making that dress for from the first moment he had seen you...and although it wasn't the only dress he had made with you in mind, it was certainly one of his favorites...

You felt uncomfortable under the crazed gaze of the monster that sat beside you, your body shivering ever-so-slightly as you struggled to maintain your composure and keep your emotions under control.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I've gathered everyone here tonight," Jimin smiled at you.

You froze in your seat, glancing around the table, eyes taking in every single face.

"Uhm. I-"

"Tonight is a special occasion," He continued proudly, his smile widening. "Tonight marks eight years...Eight years since you came to me."

You swallowed hard, not liking where this little speech was heading.

"I can still remember the first time I saw you," He breathed, hand stroking your cheek gently. "You were so beautiful. You were wide-eyed and full of life, something that all of us had been deprived of...You were my small sunshine...My only piece of light in this dark world..."

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