Chapter Fourteen

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"Are you sure it's supposed to look like that?"

Your eyebrows were furrowed together as you stared at the thing that had been placed in front of you.

"I honestly have no idea."

You and Jungkook tilted your heads in unison, trying to find some clue as to what concoction Namjoon had created for the rest of you to eat.

He said it was pizza.

It didn't look like pizza.

It had been two days since Namjoon had moved in with you and you were still anxious around him. What he had said about "the other world" and his "brother" unnerved you to the point that you hesitated to even speak with him. He didn't seem to mind and kept his distance from you, only speaking to you when he had a question or needed something...

You knew he was probably just saying those things because he was delusional...but you couldn't help but feel a little bit safer now that he was around you....Maybe one day, you'd get up enough courage to ask him about this "other world".

Your dreams have stopped since Namjoon arrived, which was quite shocking to you. You used to dream about that place every single time you fell asleep and sometimes even when you didn't remember closing your eyes...But since he's haven't seen a peak of that place and it was a giant relief...

You still didn't sleep much, for fear that the dreams would somehow come back and you'd, once again, be faced with an angry black-haired Jimin...

You shivered at the thought.

Namjoon also seemed to like having Jimin around, which kind of bothered you...He wouldn't speak to him much, but whenever you would ask Jimin how far along he was with packing, Namjoon would pull you aside and beg you to give Jimin another night in the Pink Palace...which was odd because the two didn't seem to be close at all....

"Maybe it's a special family recipe.." You muttered.

"Or maybe he's trying to kill us."

You playfully smacked the red-head's arm, causing a hiss of pain to fall from his lips as he rubbed the spot you had hit.

"He wanted to do something nice for us," You scolded. "Don't insult his cooking."

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"I wouldn't be insulting it, if it looked like actual food."

You frowned.

"I'm sure it's not that bad."

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, moving his eyes to you.

"Still," He hummed. "I think I'd rather eat something else-"

The sound of a throat clearing brought the two of you back to reality, eyes snapping up to land on Jimin's figure as he walked into the dining area, a steaming cup of coffee resting in his hands as he slowly approached the two of you.

You took in the sight of his white-button up shirt and black slacks, his blond hair was combed to the side and styled while his thick-rimmed glasses that usually set on his face were no where to be seen.

"You look fancy." You observed nonchalantly, turning your attention back the glob-pizza in front of you.

He nodded, taking a sip from his mug.

"I'm going out tonight."

"With friends?"

"With a woman."

Your eyes snapped to the red-head beside you, his words shocking you.

Jungkook's jaw tightened as he watched Jimin narrow his eyes, clearly not enjoying the fact that Jungkook had said something like that.

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