Chapter Ten

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The white-haired man in front of you bit his lip as his dark eyes slowly dragged over your body, his gaze filled with blatant hunger and a hint of lust as he licked his lips.

To say you were uncomfortable was an understatement.

You shrunk back behind Taehyung, trying your best to avoid the heated gaze of Min Yoongi.

The blond smiled softly at your actions, his eyes moving to Yoongi.

"You don't have to be frightened of him, Y/n." He hummed. "He isn't going to bite."

"Unless you want me to." Yoongi purred with a smirk.

You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his comment. What was up with the people in your dreams? Maybe these horny men in your dreams were just your subconscious telling you how badly you need to get laid.

"I think I'm good without the biting. Thanks." You mumbled, a blush raising on your cheeks.

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, offering you a small wink in response.

You glanced around his home, impressed with how neatly decorated it was compared to the upstairs apartment in the real world. It was colorful and whimsical, something you would have never expected from a man like Min Yoongi.

The same grand piano sat in the corner of the room, causing you to smile. At least your mind managed to keep something from the real world intact.

Your body moved towards the object, admiring how it shined beneath the light of the living room.

"Do you play?"

You smiled at those familiar words, body turning to come face-to-face with Yoongi who watched as your fingers brushed against the ivory keys gently.

You hummed in response, shaking your head.

"Not very well."

He smiled, hands gently taking yours as he sat down on the piano stool, his body puling you to sit beside him.

"Let's change that, hot neighbor."

You chuckled, beginning to feel more and more at ease around the white-haired man.

Taehyung frowned as he watched Yoongi's hand begin to guide yours over the keys, his voice lowering as he spoke softly to you about the "beauty of music".

The blond knew that Jimin would not be happy to hear about this....and he would hear about it. He heard about everything.

Yoongi was pushing his luck by being so close to you and he knew it, Taehyung just assumed that he didn't particularly care, which was dumb on his part, considering what Jimin was capable of doing to all of them.

You let out a quiet chuckle at something the young pianist said, your ears turning red as Yoongi's hand brushed over yours on the keys.

All of the men had been given a chance to win you...but Jimin never played fair and he never lost...If Yoongi was simple enough to believe that was going to change, he was in for a rude awakening.

A very rude awakening.

The sound of music filled the small apartment as Yoongi's fingers began to dance over the ivories, playing a familiar tune he had written just for you.

You smiled as he played, head nodding along with the beautiful melody as your eyes watched him silently.

Taehyung could see the slight adoration that filled your gaze which only served to fuel his anger and his worry. Jimin was selfish and he would not tolerate you looking at anyone other than him, especially with that look on your face.

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