Chapter Twenty-Five

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Your breathing was uneven and shallow as you stared at the ground beneath you, head aching as you struggled to process all the new information that had flooded into your mind.

Your hands were shaking. You didn't know whether it was from fear or just from the shock of what has happened, and in that moment you didn't exactly care.

You could feel your body growing weaker as you knelt on the floor, desperately trying not to let this affect you. You didn't want to give the monster in front of you the satisfaction of knowing he had gotten to you.

But, there wasn't much you could do to suppress your emotions, not when you were in this state.

Namjoon was all you could think about.

The memories of your first encounter swirled through your mind.

It was exactly as he had told you. You thought he was a neighbor...he told you that he wanted to get you naked...You slapped him.

It almost made you want to smile, but the reality of everything was all crashing down on you at once.

You had forgotten about him...

You had forgotten about the man you loved.

Your heart ached at the thought...You've been living a lie for've been missing this part of you for longer than you had ever been able to imagine...and you never even knew it.


Your own voice rang in your head as the memory played out before you.

Namjoon's eyes widened as he looked up at you from his sitting position on the steps of the porch, gaze curiously watching as your arm extended, a small bag of frozen peas resting in your hand.

He hesitated, brows crashing together in confusion as you huffed out impatiently.

"Are you just gonna stare at me all night, or are you gonna accept my peace offering?"

The black-haired man slowly nodded in shock, fingers brushing against yours as he took the frozen bag from your hand, resting it in his lap.

Your brows furrowed as you watched him stare at the bag in confusion.

"It's for your face." You deadpanned, motioning to your own cheek. "The cold will help the pain."

Namjoon tilted his head like a child, not fully understanding what message you were trying to convey.

You sighed in annoyance, plopping down to sit next to him on the porch.

You grabbed the peas, mumbling to yourself as you gently placed the cool bag on the cheek you had slapped only a few minutes prior.

Namjoon's golden eyes widened as you held his face with one hand, holding the frozen vegetable with the other.

The cold helped the sting that your slap had produced and he could certainly feel the pain beginning to fade, but that was not at all what he was confused about.

"I'm sorry." You grumbled, causing his eyebrows to shoot up.

You were apologizing to him?

"I shouldn't have slapped you, even if you were being a pervert." You breathed, eyes meeting his. "It wasn't right. I should have just walked away."

Namjoon tilted his head.

He didn't seem to understand your words....or your kindness.

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