Chapter Thirteen

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Your brows were furrowed as you stared at the man before you, head tilted to the side cutely as your e/c orbs scanned his form up and down, confusion etching your features.

The tall man smiled at you from the couch, his head tilting to mirror your own, eyes never leaving yours as his dimples slowly come into your view.

"'re Taehyung's friend?" You asked softly, eyeing him oddly.

He nodded his head, golden eyes shining.

"I am." He popped. "I'm from..out of town."

You hummed, shifting on your feet awkwardly as you glanced around the room you stood in.

"Are you going to be staying here for a while?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"As long as I have to."

You nodded your head.

When Taehyung had shown up at your home with another male, you had no idea exactly what his plans were..or why he had even brought a total stranger to your home.

He told you that the man's name was Namjoon and that he needed a place to stay for a few days... He asked you if you would be willing to accept him into your home...

You wanted to say no and deny him, but you knew that Taehyung wouldn't be asking you if there wasn't a legitimate reason...You didn't know this man, but you did know Taehyung and you trusted him...if he said that Namjoon was a good person, then you believed him...He assured you that it would only be temporary, something about him being in town for work.

Besides, Jimin was moving his things out soon, it may be nice to have some company around the house when he's gone.

"Where are you from?" You asked.

Namjoon shrugged.

"I was actually born in this house." He stated.

Your eyes widened slightly.

"Really?" You asked. "Your family used to live here? Taehyung told me that the last person to live here was his grandmother when she was a girl."

Namjoon shook his head.

"I was born in the other house." He explained. "I barely made it out of that place. My brother was insistent that I stay."

Your brows crashed together at his words.

"The other house?" You repeated. "You mean one of the apartments?"

Namjoon frowned.

"No." He stated. "The other version of this house...the one you are pulled to every night."

Your eyes widened, mouth opening to question how he knew that.

"I come bearing left overs!"

Your eyes snapped up just in time to watch as Jungkook entered through the front door, Hoseok and Jin following behind him, each of them hold small containers in their hands.

"I'm sorry for him," Jin sighed, motioning towards Jungkook. "I guess he's never learned how to knock on a door."

You swallowed, shaking your head as you put on a smile.

"It's fine." You laughed, looking at the containers in their hands. "You brought me food?"

Jungkook nodded happily, tapping the lid.

"Jin made lasagna for lunch, and there was a lot left over."

You smiled widely, eyes moving to the eldest of the men.

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