Chapter Eleven

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It was the sound of a door slamming open that forced your body into consciousness, your body jerking into a sitting position as your eyes shot open in shock and slight terror, hands shaking.

You slowly took in your surroundings, recognizing the room you were in as Yoongi's living room.

You rubbed your head, mentally scolding yourself for falling asleep in his home.

You smiled to yourself as the vision of "dream Jimin" flashed across your mind, a blush spreading on your face as you remembered his perverted comments and the way he touched you.

You enjoyed his playful nature, but the way he looked at you in your dream was enough to make anyone go weak in the knees.

Then you got to meet the other version of Yoongi. You were initially hesitant and even a bit scared, but after he sat down and played a song-your song on the couldn't help but feel instantly comfortable around him...even if you had just made him.

You weren't so sure about the other Taehyung, though...the way he looked at you made you consider that he was hiding something from you...there was a secret behind his dull, blue eyes and you were going to find out what it was....not that it was just a dream, after all.

The sound of loud voices and feet stomping up the metal staircase outside was what pulled your from your thoughts, your head tilting in confusion as the door to Yoongi's apartment was shoved open roughly, slamming against the wall with a loud 'thud'.

Your brows furrowed as your boyfriend stormed in, his eyes glancing around the room before landing on you.

Jungkook, Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi all stumbled in behind him, their voices growing louder by the second as Jimin hastily approached you, grabbing your arm and pulling you up from the couch.

"This is where you've been all night?!" Jimin roared. "Sleeping in another man's house!?"

You frowned in confusion, pulling your arm out of his grip.

"What are you talking about?" You asked, rubbing your eyes. "I only fell asleep."

"It's three in the morning, Y/n!" Jimin roared angrily. "You didn't call, you didn't text. I had no idea where you were or what you were doing or who you were with!"

You couldn't stop the chuckled that left your mouth at his words.

"I think this is all a misunderstanding," You began. "I didn't mean to worry you, I just fell asleep...I guess I was more tired than I thought I was."

"That's not the point!" He yelled. "I've been searching all over for you and here I find another man's house!"

Your brows shot up at his accusing tone...You didn't like the way he said that...not at all.

"I'm sorry, alright? I won't do it-"

" This is getting ridiculous, Y/n!" Jimin interrupted. "You say that you want me to make things work, you say that you want me to help you carry this relationship, but the second that I put in any effort, you tell me to unpack boxes and you leave me alone for the rest of the day to spend time with a man you barely even know! And if that wasn't bad enough, you don't tell me where you I am forced to go searching for you at three in the morning while my heart pounds in my chest because I'm terrified that you left me!"

You blinked at his sudden outburst, trying your best to remain calm.

"I need time, Jimin." You stated slowly. "I left you alone because I needed time...After what happened, you can't just expect me to trust you again and act like nothing happened...especially with the way you treat me. I needed space, so I hung out with Taehyung and Yoongi...I'm sorry if you were worried-truly. I am, but there is no need for you to act out like this. You have to remain calm and stop jumping to so many conclusion-"

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