Chapter Fifteen

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Your eyes were hard and narrow as you stared at the man in front of you, hands folded in your lap as you waited patiently for him to start speaking and explaining himself.

Namjoon stood across from you, hands running through his hair as he occasionally stole glances at you.

You could tell that the thought of spilling the beans to you was making him uncomfortable, but you didn't care. You needed answers and he was the only one who seemed to know anything remotely helpful....

His words constantly rang in your head.

He knew about the Other world....He knew about the Other Jimin.

"Are you going to just stand there all night?" You asked, raising a brow as you crossed your arms.

The black-haired man let out a sigh, golden eyes snapping to your form.

"I'm not sure where to start."

"At the beginning, preferably."

He nodded slowly as he took a seat next to you, gaze moving all around the room.

"I guess this all started about five years ago..." He started slowly, head hanging. "We were all happy-my brothers and I....we lived in our world and you humans lived in yours...Our power was what kept us alive and healthy."

Your brows furrowed at his words.

"Everything was peaceful..."He continued softly, eyes moving to meet yours. "Until you came along."

Your eyes widened slightly at that, heart dropping.


He nodded.

"B-But I've never been here before Jimin and I moved from California."

Namjoon frowned, nodding his head.

"You have." He explained. "You just don't remember...because Jimin blocked those memories."

You blinked in surprise.

"W-When was I here?"

"I believe you had just graduated high school and being here, away from your family, was your way of celebrating."

You shook your head.

"But that doesn't make any sense." You stated. "If I was here, wouldn't Jungkook and the others remember me? Wouldn't Taehyung remember me?"

Namjoon's face fell, hand running through his hair.

"Because the Jungkook and the others live in such close proximity of the house...their memories were also blocked...none of them remembered you...As for Taehyung...he's a completely different story.."

"What do you mean?"

Namjoon sighed.

"That is not my secret to tell, Y/n."

You nodded in understanding, curiosity eating away at you.

"When you first came to us, we all took an immediate notice..." Namjoon swallowed as he continued. "You just...smelled so good."

You scooted away from him, body stiff.

"You-You wanted to eat me?"

Namjoon chuckled, brows raising as his tongue darted out to wet his lips.

"Not in the way you're thinking."

A deep blush spread over your cheeks as your mind processed what he had said, heart thumping.

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