Character Q&A

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Hello and welcome back to the recesses of Hell called; Max's Mind. 

Alrighty, you asked and I recieved. 

Here's the Character Q&A for Buttons. 



Q: i'd like to ask jimin. If he by any chance followed what namjoon told him and brought y/n with him, instead of sacrificing for namjoon and y/n, what would he do next?

Jimin: I'm not entirely sure. I think it would ultimately but up to Y/n....but, I'd like to start off fresh and begin our relationship again (once she was finished mourning Namjoon, of course).

Q: @TaeTae_lyfe this question is for you. Since buttons is a coraline au, is it your favorite disney creation?

Nope. My favorite disney creation will always be Alice in Wonderland. Although, Lilo and Stitch is an extremely close second. :)

Q: I wanted to ask this for you author. You have wrote so many books. Not to mention , they are all awesome. I wanted to ask that what inspired you to write this story?

I was in Pennsylvania, visiting my father. My mother had bought me the Coraline book and I remember reading a line aloud to my younger sister and thinking "hey, that could actually be a good story". It's not a very fancy origin story, but that's how it happened. :)

Q: Is there going to be a part 2 of Buttons?

max.exe has stopped working.

Just kidding! Ha. Ha...I'm not gonna confirm or deny anything, but I can say that if I were to do a second book, it would more than likely be a prequal to this one and would cover the story of the first time Y/n encountered the Others.

Q:  to namjoon: *in rihanna's voice* "wHere~ hAve y0u beEn~ aLL my laiiiyyyfe~

Namjoon: *glances away uncomfortably* probably living in hell with an abusive brother.

Q:  to author: i didn't see the way the plot turned out so it caught me off guard, in a good way, and i've fallen inlove with it tbh. PLUS! it resulted into me sobbing at ungodly hours so that's a point on touching the readers with your work <3

Teehee. Thank chu. I hope I can continue to make others cry for as long as possible. :)

Q: to jimin : i get that your death was a form of sacrifice and couldn't be changed if ever we go back to the start, but i felt for you, and the INTERVIEW OH MY GOD- Ii was a M E S S! TT

Jimin: This isn't a question.


Jimin: But yes, you can tell a lot about a person from an interview and I would just like to take this time to say a big "in your face" to everyone who doubted me. Thank you and goodnight.

Q: To Jimin: What's it like being dead?

Jimin: It's almost as painful as this question. 

Q: to other Jimin: was there ever a time where you thought "maybe being nice would work better?"

Other!Jimin: No. I am not a human underlying emotions do not exist unless they are of deceit. 

Q: To Namjoon: For years of being separated from the love of your life [and seeing her being with someone new], How do you manage to stay loyal?

Namjoon: I don't think it is a matter of "managing to stay loyal". When it comes to someone you really love, you don't "manage" to be in just are. Love is loyalty...that's why, sometimes it's hard to let go. 

Q:  @TaeTae_lyfe How do you always manage to make me cry?

Digital onions.

Q: to: "other" jimin "did you ever think that maybe what you do to live is immoral? like it wasn't right? maybe a voice in the back of your head told you that what you do is wrong and cruel?"

Other!Jimin: No. Not once.

Q: to: jimin"why did you think that breaking her heart was a way of saving yours?"

Jimin: We all have a self-destruct button...Sometimes it's easier to destroy yourself than having someone else do it for you. 

Q: to: namjoon"did you believe that she was the one at sight or did it take some time? when did you realize that you were in love?"

Namjoon: It was attraction at first sight...My love for her grew over time and I'm glad it did, or I would live the rest of my life wondering if I was no better than my brother.

Q: to: y/n "what do you think your life would be like if jimin lived? would you be willing to start over?

Y/N: I don't think that our relationship would ever be able to come back. Yes, I forgive him, but that doesn't change the past...and I shouldn't have to live my life remembering what he did and he shouldn't have to live his being constantly reminded of it.

Q: and lastly, to: you"is namjoon your bias?" ☕️

I am Namjoon.

Q: to author: who's ur bias? Just curious heehee

Uhm....I'm OT7, lovely. :) (Jungkook is my husband, though.)

Q: to the normal jimin:be mine *makes grabby hands*

Jimin: *points at you* Alright, someone needs to come and collect their child.

Alrighty, everyone! That's all the questions we have! I love you all very much and-

Jungkook: Hold on just a minute! Why didn't anyone ask me a question, eh? Are we side characters not good enough for you?! What about Taehyung!? He was tortured and abused his whole life and not one of you is curious about that?!

Hoseok: *sighs* *slaps Jungkook across the head* We love you guys. Stay healthy.

Ahem....okay then....Love you! Be safe out there and have a wonderful Holiday Season!

Bye Bye!


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