Chapter Twenty-One

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This is some sick joke.

That was the only thought that your tired mind could muster as you watched the scene play out in front of you, the once dark and frigid room you trembled in suddenly beginning to light up and fill the air with the scent of cookies and sweet tarts.

He was punishing you. That was obvious.

You had been alone-trembling in this dark place for at least a few hours, cramping your body into a corner in the room...somewhere quiet where you could think...

And now this comes along.

Your e/c orbs watched as the garden came into view, golden sunlight raining down over the numerous flowers and plants that made the space so colorful and full of life.

It was an illusion, clearly...but it certainly felt real. You could smell the flowers and feel the sunlight.

That monster was really going out of his way to make you crave freedom-to make you desperate.

A young woman hummed softly to herself as she tended to the plants, her back turned to you as she dug in the garden, her h/c hair pulled back into a messy bun.

Your brows furrowed in confusion as another figure made his way into the picture, hands carrying two glasses as he quietly approached the woman from behind.

Your expression fell.


The black-haired man smiled at the woman, scolding her for doing such strenuous work in her condition-wait.

Your eyes widened in horror as you watched the unnamed woman rise to her feet, her hand moving to rest over her swollen belly as she smiled at the man who had held you captive in the place, the black diamond on her ring shimmering beneath the sun as she laughed at something he had said.

You shrunk back as you finally saw her face.

It was you.

A shiver ran down your spine as you watched yourself smile at your captor, lips pressing against his as his hands moved to rest over your pregnant belly.

Dear god. This man is insane.

"This is what I wanted for us."

You jumped back as Jimin's voice filled your ears, the golden illusion dissipating before your eyes as the black-haired man walked through the wall that he had thrown you through, eyes dark and sad as he looked at your shivering form.

"I wanted us to be happy." He said. "I wanted us to start a family here."

You shook your head fervently.

"Y-You're delusional." You spat. "That illusion is the closest thing you will ever get!"

Jimin sighed, moving to kneel in front of you, lowering himself to your level.

"Do you think I enjoy seeing you like this, baby?" He breathed. "I want nothing more than to make you happy. I have built you a home to protect you from all the dangers that your world has."

You glared at him, keeping your mouth sealed shut.

"I will never be happy here." You snapped. "Never."

Jimin studied you for a few moments, eyes scanning over every inch of your face as a soft breath left his parted lips, hand running through his hair.

"Even so," He started calmly, raising to his feet. "My bride-to-be cannot get dressed in a place like this."

Your brows furrowed as he knocked on the stone wall which he entered through, a smug look on his face as he turned his attention back to you.

"Taehyung will escort you to our room and make sure that you are prepared for the ceremony."

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