Chapter Six

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"W-Who are you?"

Your voice came out in a breathy whisper as you stared at the man in front of you, your body moving away from his in a mix of fear and uncertainty.

The way he looked at you almost made you go weak in the knees. His black iris' were filled with nothing but love and adoration as they scanned over your features.

"I'm your boyfriend." He stated, smiling sweetly.

You shook your head, taking a small step backwards.

"You're not my boyfriend." You deadpanned. "I know my boyfriend...and you are not him."

The black-haired man chuckled heartily, his smile never faltering.

"I'm your "other" boyfriend." He said, his hand grabbing yours.

You raised your eyebrows, pulling your hand away from his slowly.

"Right.." You dragged. "I'm dreaming, aren't I?"

He tilted his head at your question.

"Do you want this to be a dream?" He asked innocently.

A sad laugh left your lips as you glanced around you, taking in the numerous shades that colored the house you stood in.

"No." You said honestly.

Jimin smiled, his hand reaching out and grabbing yours again, pulling your body closer to his.

"Then this isn't a dream." He hummed. "It's as real as you want it to be."

His voice was sweet and melodic as he spoke to you, black eyes never leaving yours as he slowly wrapped his hands around your waist and suddenly pulled your body into his, an action that caused you to gasp softly.

You couldn't remember the last time Jimin touched you on purpose, let alone held you like this...although it was a small action, it was refreshing to have a feeling of spontaneity.

You could only wish that your Jimin would hold you like this.

You stared up at the man in front of you with widened eyes, e/c clashing onto black as you two gazed at one another.

He moved his face closer to yours, his nose bumping against your own as a contented hum sounded from him.

"I love your eyes." He breathed, bringing his hand up to caress the skin of your cheek. "So beautiful...So perfect."

You sucked in a breath, something about his words sending a shudder throughout your body.

Slowly pulling away from him, you turned your attention to the kitchen, where the sweet aroma had been emitting from.

"What's that smell?" You asked nervously.

Your "boyfriend" sent you a million-dollar smile before turning on his heel and walking into the large kitchen, pulling you along with him.

The scent only got stronger as he pulled you into the dining room, helping you sit down in your chair and taking a seat across from you.

You would be lying if you said that the food in front of you didn't make you want to divulge yourself into the numerous dishes that had been prepared for you. The scent alone was intoxicating, but the way the food looked only made you feel even more hungry.

But you weren't going to eat any of it.

You couldn't explain it, but something about this place

You knew you were probably just being paranoid, in fact, this was probably all just a dream....but that didn't stop you from feeling worried...

You weren't an idiot. Taking food from a stranger is a big no matter how my that stranger resembled your boyfriend..

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