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"We are here! let's go" chaeyoung Said, Felix got out of the car seeing the huge mansion, "wow how rich are they?!" He gasped softly

"Super rich, now come on, let's go. I heard there will be some.. new people? joining us, maybe we can get you a man" chaeyoung winked making Felix blushed, "Yeah I wish..."

Chaeyoung dragged Felix inside the house, they were first greeted by the maid, then some security guard, like wtf but anyways

"Oh, Felix! Chaeyoung! Right here!" Mrs Lee yelled

Felix walked pass a few people, some were not gonna lie pretty handsome, maybe he can find a man tonight?

"Ahh sorry mum, we are late" chaeyoung apologised and Felix bowed

"That's okay, anyway, this is my daughter Chaeyoung, and my son Felix, and kids they are Mr and Mrs Bang"

"Ahhh right Bang...." Felix heard chaeyoung mumbled and was trying to hold back a laugh from her mistaken the last name

"N-Nice to meet you" Felix and chaeyoung both Said

"Yes...Yes..." Mrs Bang paused and looked at Felix "you certainly are lovable, just like the way your mother describes you" Mrs Bang complimented the boy, Felix immediately blushed and smiled at the lady

"My son is in his room" Mrs bang sighed, "He invited some of his friends over, so I hope you guys don't mind" Mrs bang added

"Oh, course not" Mrs Lee Said, and Felix nodded

"Oh no...I need Jisung" Felix mumbled, "Alright, you two go make some friends okay?" Felix and chaeyoung nodded at their mother's words and left


"Chaeyoung I'm so scared, this place has too many people" Felix Said and clingy towards his sister. "You're finest! let's get you a man huh?" Right after chaeyoung said...

"Hi" a voice appeared out of nowhere, Felix and chaeyoung both turned around, seeing a tall handsome boy, chaeyoung looked at the boy who seems to be eyeing Felix up and down

"Hi?" Chaeyoung Said, "oh sorry...I'm Eric btw," he said

"I'm chaeyoung and this is my brother, Felix"
(Why does this give me a Peppa pig vibe)

"he's cute" Eric smirked, "oh look my friend called me, I'll be back, take care of Felix" as chaeyoung said she runs off, Felix's eyes widened at how his sister just betrayed him

Felix shyly stood front of the boy not knowing what to do, "you're cute" the boy said once again, "t-thank you" Felix shyly Replied, "hmm do you want to go upstairs? My friends are up there, there are too many adults down here" Eric suggested, Felix hesitates a little before nodding, Eric happily took hold of Felix's hands and dragged the boy upstairs, Felix was blushing the whole time


"Yo, WHERE DID ERIC GO? We were just about to start our game man"

"I think he when downstairs to get some food?"

"Ahhh right okay"

A few minutes later

Felix looked around the house, he wasn't paying attention to where Eric was taking him, and he didn't realise Eric stopped, causing him to bump onto Eric's back and whined

"You're so clumsy Felix~," Eric Said, making Felix shyly blushed

"But anyway, we're here! Don't worry my friends don't bite" Eric Said, and Felix nodded again, Eric pushed the door opened and Felix could already hear a bunch of boys yelling, his heart was pounding really fast

"Eyeeee- Eric we were looking for you~" a boy yelled, Felix stood behind Eric panicking, because the voice sounded very familiar

"Where did you go?" Another boy asked

"Well...I when downstairs to get some food, but I run into a cutie" Eric Said and dragged Felix out behind him, "this is Felix btw" Eric Said, suddenly the whole room becomes quiet...

Felix was looking down the whole time, and finally, he brings his head up and nearly choked to death

"OMG?" A boy yelled Felix's eyes widened as he eyes everyone in the room

Eric furrowed his brows looking confused
"You good Changbin?" Eric asked

"I'm not just good- holy fuck..." Changbin Said and stood up from the bed and walked towards Felix

"Hi Lix I didn't expect to see you here"
"So did I" Felix replied laughing a little 

"Wait you guys know each other?" Eric asked confused

"No shit- this was the Felix I have being talking about, and also basically everyone here knows Felix since we go to the same school"

"Ahhhhh well that's even better," Eric Said and clapped his hands together

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