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"What's up!" chan said to their friends, who then stopped talking and looked at the two

"Oh? Bokkie looks cute today" seungmin smiled

"Hey! what about me?" Jeongin whined

"Y-you too" seungmin replied shyly

"Good~" Jeongin said happily before pulling seungmin in for a kiss on the cheeks

"Eh gross" Changbin said

"ya...wanna go boi? you act like your short ass didn't just fuck with hyunjin in the toilet" Jeongin rolled his eyes 

"WTF YANG JEONGIN!" Changbin yelled, hyunjin quickly pulled the older back down and place his arm around the older's waist to calm him down

"Where's Jisung and Minho?" Woojin asked

"Here" someone answered, everyone turned around facing a pleased Minho and a sheepish Jisung hiding behind Minho

"What's with Jisung?" Seungmin asked

"Nothing just taught him a little lesson~" Minho said with a smirk on his face, everyone instantly understood and nodded

"Anyways! Let's go and have fun today" Hyunjin said

~ Time skips ~


"C-channie no~" Felix whined as he tries to push chan's hands off his thigh

"Why not?" Chan asked with a smirk

"B-because we...ahh..we are in public" Felix whimpered out 

"So?" Chan said as he attacked the younger's neck right away, Felix whimper out small moans as chan was leaving sweet bites on his neck and collar bone

Chan pulled away a few minutes later, seeing a pouty Felix with messy hair and glossy eyes. For goodness sake, stop tempting me so much..." baby, you are so pretty" chan said as he softly kissed Felix on the lips

The kiss shortly turned into a heated make out, sweet moans leaving Felix's mouth as chan was enjoying the sweetness of the boy, chan placed his knee between Felix's legs, against his crotch. The younger whimpered softly, and let out a louder moan, as chan moved his knee right against his dick

"C-chan~" the younger whined

"Yes?" Chan chuckled back

"M-more please.." Felix muttered asking for more kisses since you know....chan is just an amazing kisser, (bet he's a good kisser in real life tho....👉👈)

"Beg for more baby" chan said and lifted Felix's chin up staring into the boy's eyes and down to the lips

"P-plewisee Channie"

"Not working" chan whispered next to Felix's ear sending shivers down Felix's spine

After a few minutes of Felix whining, chan still was teasing the younger, Felix pouted as he looked away, chan moved his hand towards Felix's waist and slowly roaming down towards the younger's thigh

"N-no" Felix whined, sounded a little mad since chan kept teasing him

Chan pulled Felix's waist and bought him closer, "is my baby angry?" Chan asked Felix pouted only without answering the older

"Channie is sorry~, Lixue~ don't be mad at Channie~"


"W-What did you just call me?"

"Nothing..." as chan said he rapidly connected their lips together acting like he didn't just accidentally called the younger lixue...

"Where did those two when?" Jisung asked

"Probably fucking" Jeongin replied and shrugged 

"Yeah possibly " Jisung nodded

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