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Everyone spends the morning going back to their own houses to get change for the Christmas dinner at night, well that's what Felix thought, but little did he know there was a surprise for him tonight

Jisung informed him that there's an outfit already planned for him, which as he got home he sees that outfit been placed neatly on his bed, "does Jisung expect me to wear this?!!" Felix's eyes widened

"Oh well... It's not that bad" Felix laughed.
black ripped jeans with a white turtleneck and a denim jacket



Time skips

"Are we ready?" Chan asked and everyone nodded, chan is going to pick Felix up first and head to the festival, give Felix a surprise and ta-da! Done.

"Wish you luck Hyung!" Jisung smiled and chan nodded waving at the others

Ding dong

Dingg donggg

"Coming! Coming!"

As Felix opened the door he sees chan by the door smiling at him, but oh man, he looks so hot tonight, "Ready?" Chan asked, "y-yap!" Felix replied shyly

"Great, let's go!" As the older said he interlocks his hand with the younger and head towards his car, "where we meeting the others?" Felix asked

"Hmm you'll see" chan smiled Felix was a little confused but whatever

As the two got there, chan brings Felix towards the festival, is currently 7 pm since it was winter, it was already dark outside, but busy and noisy streets were surrounded by pretty lights

"Wohhh is so pretty here Hyung" Felix smiled as his eyes start sparkling, but chan thought Felix was prettier, "look channie!!" The younger pointed excitedly seeing Santa clause handing out chocolates?

Of course, Felix being the baby he is, he runs towards Santa, but instead, he got a rose. He was confused but accepted anyway, Felix and chan stopped by the huge Christmas tree that every couple is and was under

"Wait here, I'll go get some food" chan said and Felix nodded, the younger waited by the tree playing with the rose he got, but soon a little girl walked past Felix and stopped front of the boy

"Hi?" Felix smiled as he sees the girl holding a bunch of roses in her hands,
"T-this is for you!" The little girl said and hand them to Felix, "me?" Felix questioned

As he holds the roses in hand, the girl waved and runs off, Felix smiled even though he's confused, "when is chan coming back?" Felix mumbled as it was getting cold

As Felix was about to complain and call chan, someone came from behind and covered his eyes, Felix smiled and was about to turn around, but was stopped.

"Not yet" chan whispered, Felix, pouted, "why? What is it?" Felix questioned as he was very lost at whatever is happening.

"close your eyes" chan said, "what why?!" Felix is now scared at whatever is about to happen but did as the older said

"Don't open them, until I told you so" as chan said he moves his hands away and signal the others to bring the gift here, the rest stand by chan's side while the older was holding the huge box

"You can turn around now," Chan said his voice sounded a little nervous, Felix slower turned around and opened his eyes, but got scared as the rest suddenly pulled the party poppers, getting confetti everywhere on Felix

"Merry Christmas!" Everyone yelled, "Jesus I thought I was going to die" Felix laughed, "Is chan's time to shine~~ BYE!" As the rest said they run off leaving the two alone

"This might sounds cliche as hell-....here goes nothing... well so I've realised I never asked you properly like as in officially ask you to be mine... Felix, you are my everything, my world never did I expected you to enter my life, and never did I expected to fall in love with you at first sight" chan paused and smiled

"So today, I wanted to officially ask you, Felix would you be my boyfriend?" Chan said nervously looking down not wanting to know Felix's reaction

Little did chan know Felix has the biggest smile on his face, Felix held chan's cheeks and lift his face up, smiled at the older...

"of course chan" Felix smiled

Felix stepped to the side to peck chan's lips, since the huge box was in the way. chan blushed, "what's that box?" Felix asked as he pulled away, "open it" chan said, as Felix opened the box a white fluffy head pop up

A puppy!

"Is it for me?!!!" Felix gasped loudly and start jumping, "yes it is" chan laughed, Felix squeak and grabbed the puppy out of the box

The puppy immediately clingy onto Felix, Felix was losing himself, he was extremely happy he felt like he could faint any second

"You like it?" Chan asked

"OF COURSE, I LOVEEEE IT! THANK YOU" Felix said and kissed chan on the lips once more making the older feeling slightly flustered

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