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28K Likes 7K Comments Hwangjinnie // my bby So tinyyyy 🥺

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Hwangjinnie // my bby So tinyyyy 🥺

Binnieseo // YA!

Bbylixue // Changbinnieeee ~
Binnieseo // Lixue shut up or I'll stab your face with my chin
Bbylixue // lol you act like you can reach my face
Hwangjinnie // OHHHH BURNNNN
Binnieseo // 🗿🗿🗿🗿 @ Bbylixue


28K Likes 2K Comments Innieyang // He's mine 💓💓🥺

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Innieyang // He's mine 💓💓🥺

Minniekim // 💕💕💕💕👀

Bbylixue // all my friends are dating...when will I...
BCchan // I'm sorry? Then what am I ? a leaf?
Bbylixue // Felix.exe dead again

Jistarhan // oh-^
Youknowlee // OH? ^


Do you like sleeping?

Yes duh

Well me too ~
Maybe we should do it together sometimes

My house or yours?




38K likes 7K comments Youknowlee // he ate like he hasn't seen food for 10 years

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Youknowlee // he ate like he hasn't seen food for 10 years

Jistarhan // WHY ARE YOU BULLyING ME?!!!
Youknowlee // If I bully you, it means I love you
Jistarhan // oh...

Bbylixue // you kicked me on the leg ^ do you love me like you love Sungie? Do you? 🥺🥺
Youknowlee // Uh. No.
Bbylixue // @ Jistarhan he's lying, he bullies everyone!

Jistarhan // Lee Minho
Bbylixue // oh shit

Youknowlee // @ Bbylixue, thanks I'm so dead now
Bbylixue // welcome~


37K likes 6K comments Jistarhan // daddy step on me 🥵🥵

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Jistarhan // daddy step on me 🥵🥵

Youknowlee // that's a little kinky don't chu think?
Jistarhan// pleaseee
Youknowlee // that's gay
Jistarhan // you're gay
Youknowlee // I am gay
Jistarhan // so am I
Youknowlee // .....
Jistarhan // lets fuc
Youknowlee // coming

Bbylixue // what did my innocent eyes just read???
BCchan // baby you're nowhere near innocent
Bbylixue // SHUTUP

Daddy // Chanlix 🔚 Where stories live. Discover now