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"Felix get the fuck up" chaeyoung shouted, Felix, slowly wiggled his way out of bed

"Wear something cute is the first day of school" as chaeyoung Said she when through Felix's closet and picked a cute outfit for the younger


"Chae I look- too cute-" Felix whined 

"Nooo is Fine, is fineee~" chaeyoung smiled, the older is very stylish when it comes to fashion, she always dresses Felix in cute outfits, since the boy is the definition of cute

Chaeyoung picked Felix a white long sleeve button-up shirt, with a sleeveless sweater, along with black shorts and a pair of high top converse

"Felix your legs are so pretty" chaeyoung pouted, "nooo says the one, you are pretty too chaeyoung~" Felix replied with a smile

"Ahhh you sweet mouth, let's go or we'll be late" Felix nodded


"Chae, I'm like so nervous for no reason," Felix Said as he clingy towards his sister, everyone was kinda giving Felix look since the younger was extremely cute, some boys even winked at Felix

"Felix chill, since when were you so chicken, is it because of chan?" chaeyoung laughed out loud, Felix instantly turned red, "he doesn't even know I'm Felix tho, I have a nickname everyone call me bokkie"

"Bokkie? Hahaha, that's very cute" chaeyoung laughed, "oh! is Jisung. I guess I'll just drop you off here bye-bye" as chaeyoung said she waved the younger off and left

"FELIXUE" Jisung said jumping onto the younger

"Hi jisung~" Felix smiled

"You're so cute today~ did Chae style you again?" Jisung asked and Felix nodded

"Let's go to class okay?" Jisung asked

"Okay, let me get my books first"


Classes in the morning were going smoothly, now the worst part is coming


"Let's go to the cafeteria and find the others" Jisung suggested, "Chan doesn't know "Bokkie" go to this school is fine!"

"but he knows what I look like!!" Felix pouted, "come on! Is fine!"

"hmm well...fineee" Felix answered back


"wohh~ who's that cutie?"

"He's so cute~"

"Hey isn't that Felix tho? I always thought he was cute, but he's new blonde hair made him even cuter"

"Is he single?"

"Get in the line ugly ass"

"Wanna go bro? Wanna go?"

"What you guys on about" a voiced interrupted them

"Oh is that--- you see that boy? He's cute" the boy Said

"Oh, that's interesting, I didn't know he goes to our school" chan said with a smirk, "keep your eyes off him" chan said and walked off

"Oh, great....now chan has eyes on him..."

"You should've said what you said to me, get in the line ugly ass" he mocked

"Dude- chan is like the hottest person in school, he is a full as daddy, like you have to admit it! And school cute boy x hot boy sounds about right" the boy chuckled

"yeah yeah, I know what you meant"

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