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"WHAT DO I WEAR CHAEYOUNG!" Felix shouted as chan is about to pick him up in thirty minutes

"Stop shouting! I'm coming!! Hold on!"

Felix was trying to calm himself down, as well as trying not to panic at the same time, "hurry up Chae!"

"Chill! I'm here!" as chaeyoung said, she tosses a black oversized overalls pants, along with an oversized white sweater on Felix's bed

"I'm not gonna wear-" Before Felix could finish, Chaeyoung grabbed his wrist and twirl him around. Felix gasped softly as Chaeyoung start styling his hair


"DONE!" chaeyoung yelled out and clapped her hands together with a big smile on her face

"You look so cute PLEASEE OMG!!!!!" Chaeyoung was screeching because Felix looked extra adorable today, his puffy blonde hair covering his forehead along with his star-like freckles showing

Basically, Felix's hair looked like this

Basically, Felix's hair looked like this

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Ding dong~

"Omgggg he's here" Felix start panicking even more

"Chill Chill, I'll get the door" chaeyoung jog downstairs, but took her by surprise, Mrs lee already opened the door and the two seem to be chatting already

"Good evening Mrs Lee, I'm chan, as you've known, because of my mother" chan smiled and greeted the lady

"yes yes, is nice see you again chan, of course, I remember you from the dinner we had" Mrs Lee returned a smile back

"Well, I'm here to pick Felix.. up for a date" chan smiled, Mrs lee was caught off guard.

"oh my.... lix is finally getting a boyfriend?" she faked wipes her tears

"Soon, but not yet boyfriend" chan winked

"Oh yes yes of course" Mrs Lee winked back, "omg mum! I said I would get the door" Chaeyoung interrupted the two and whined

"Ah you must be chaeyoung, hi I'm chan," chan said with a smile and chaeyoung smiled back, "better take care of my brother little kid" chaeyoung gazed

"of course, I'll take good care"


As Felix walked downstairs he sees chan by the front door, he immediately felt his cheeks heating up, chan looked too good, too fucking attractive today

Chan wore black and white checkered pants along with a tight long sleeve black turtle neck, finished off with two silver chain necklace

"Dear my soul, he looks incredibly daddy today," Felix thought to himself, now that chan knows Felix is Bokkie, it will be kinda hard to play it off, but he will try...

Chan kinda feels guilty for saying those things towards Felix, but Felix seem so different in real life, it certainly did took chan a few minutes to get his shits together

Yes, Felix is very cute, but bear in mind he was the same boy who called him daddy online. It wasn't a turn off tho, is definitely the opposite. But now it makes him want to hear Felix call him daddy in real life...

He also realised the dumb things he's said to Felix like, "Felix and he will never be together or he'll eat a tree than date Felix" yeah...looks like he needs to take them back now


"Go have fun boys~," Mrs Lee said as he shoves Felix towards chan. Chan was kinda blushing, but definitely not as bad as Felix tho, "we will" as chan said, he took hold of Felix's hand and dragged him out of the house

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