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0 Likes 0 Comments Jistarhan // 👀

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Jistarhan // 👀



"HAN JISUNG WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST POST!" Minho yelled, "nothing- haha it was an accident.." Jisung nervously answered back  

"Jisung- is there something...you wanna tell us," Woojin asked and Chris sitting next to him nodded

"N-no!" the younger nervously denied

"Jisung.." chan said looking up, "maybe tomorrow~" Jisung laughed and skipped towards the kitchen, everyone let out a sigh, " you better!" Minho yelled

"Okay guys, is 5 hours away from Christmas, Felix is sugar high and passed out, Jisung is hiding shits from us, the two younger is nowhere to be found, Hyunjin and Changbin disappeared again, the fuck man" Chan whined while the rest laughed

"Tbh....the only thing I thought about to do before Christmas is let's play truth or truth" Minho suggested, "Where's the fun in that?" Chris said

"Okay, you see, there something going on between Jisung and Felix for a while, of course, I'm jealous don't ask, but it seems like is something old, so I'm not worrying as much?? But I still believe those two are hiding something, so we can use truth or truth to find out the truth aye?" Minho winked

"Ahhhh...right..." Chris replied and Minho nodded, "what about you chan?" Minho asked, "hmm sounds fun I guess"

"Now wake Feli-"

"GOOD MORNING!" Felix suddenly shouted

"Okay...nvm no need to wake him up" chan laughed, "Felix are you good?" The older asked as he sat down next to the younger, "better" the younger smiled, chan shakes his head and hand the younger some water

"Call those four missing boys too! And Jisung in the kitchen!" Chan said Minho left to find Jisung while Chris and Woojin called the two missing couples


35K Likes 9K Comments Hwangjinnie // we outside~

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Hwangjinnie // we outside~

BCchan // come back in dumbass
Hwangjinnie // geez- coming!

Binnieseo // 💓💓
Hwangjinnie // give me a kiss~
Binnieseo // ew, get the fuck up let's go back
Hwangjinnie // 🙂🙂🙂🙂


35K Likes 9K comments Innieyang // we outside too!

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Innieyang // we outside too!

Chickennkim // come back in we playing some game
Innieyang // be back after Seungmin is done
Chickennkim // WHAT
Innieyang // HES CLEANING and we WILL be back
Chickennkim // ah okay!

Chickennkim // WAIT CLEAN WHAT?!;!:!:!
BCchan // 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Chickennkim // are you thinking what I'm thinking-
BCchan // Depends HAHAHA

Yu.chris // I feel left out
Chickennkim // be left out 🤡
Yu.chris // mean!


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