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"You still own me a kiss on the lips, Felix."



Felix almost lost his shits, "d-d-did you just call me Felix?" Felix asked panicking, "h-how did-" before Felix finished his sentence, chan kiss the boy on the lips, chan let go of Felix's wrist as his hand travel down on the side of Felix's thigh

Oh shit..oh shit!!

Felix wrapped his arms around the older's neck while chan start softly rubbing the side of Felix's thigh, at the same time giving him small kisses on the neck, a few soft moan escape Felix's mouth, chan pulled away seeing a needy Felix, staring at him with light pink shade across his cheeks

"C-Channie~" Felix whined as chan continued his little touch touch section with the younger

"Why don't we continue this at home," chan said with a smirk before picking Felix up from the bed

A few students stared at the two, as chan was basically carrying Felix out of the school like it was nothing...


"Welcome-...oh.." the maids paused, chan winked at her and walked upstairs, of course, Felix was dead in embarrassment.

The minute both boys got to chan's room, the older throw Felix on his bed and took off the younger's clothes, Felix whined at the sudden coldness

"Its okay baby, we.will.warm.it.up" chan smirked

Just as chan was about to take off his shirt, a loud sound was heard from downstairs, chan looked up at his clock, "Fuck, baby we have to keep quiet, my parents are home" chan said, "o-okay" Felix Replied, but he knows damn well he probably can't

Chan got up and locked his door, before going back onto his bed with Felix, chan attacked the younger's neck first making Felix whimper softly into chan's ear turning the older on even more, "Baby...you have no idea what those sounds you make do to me" Chan muttered softly next to Felix's ears

Felix blushed sheepishly, chan slowly moved his hand under Felix's shirt and gently leaving love bites all over the younger's neck

Knock knock

"Fucking hell" chan mumbled

"YES!" Chan yelled

"Chan, me and your dad will have a few friends over is that okay with you?"

"Shit...." Chan looked back at Felix

"I-is okay Channie I'll keep my voice down" Felix Said, and the older nodded

"Yeah is fine! Just don't disturb me, I'm working on something" chan yelled back, "okay, but if you are hungry just come downstairs" as Mrs Bang Said she left

"Well...that was a turn off.." chan sighed getting off Felix and sat on the side, Felix pouted also sitting up, but he sat on chan's lap and start rubbing his ass on chan's thighs, chan smirked feeling he's turned on again

"Fuck, baby, you are the only one that can turn me on this fast" as chan said he pushed Felix on the bed once again, sliding the younger's undies off, "I need to prep you first tho, and you need to keep quiet okay?" Chan said, Felix, took a deep breath and nodded

Chan opened the drawer next to him and got a bottle of lube out, "oh strawberry?" Felix laughed, "yes baby, strawberry lube" chan smiled back

"Does Channie like strawberries?" Felix asked cutely, "I prefer peaches more, and especially your peaches" chan winked, it took a few seconds before Felix realised the older was referring to his ass, he shyly hides his face in his hands

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