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"Channie~" Felix whined

"Yes, baby?"

"Are we there yet?" Felix asked

"Two minutes away" chan smiled and answered back, Felix nodded and continued enjoying his pretty view out of the window

"Do you have a movie that you want to watch? or have in mind?"

"Hmmm I'm not sure, you can pick the movie" chan nodded with a smirk on his face


"I SAID YOU CAN PICK ONE BUT NOT A HORROR ONE!" Felix was scared to shitless as he saw chan who bought two movie tickets on the movie Pet Sematary

"Is fine baby" chan laughed

"D-don't call me baby in public" Felix grumbled, tbh chan didn't want to call Felix Bokkie, it just doesn't seem right after finding out he is Felix. But, calling him Felix will expose him, so he kinda had no choice but to call the younger baby, is cute anyway, it suits him more

"Then, what should I call you?...mine?" Chan laughed, Felix softly hit chan on the arm and pouted, "stop no flirting in the public"

"Okay okay whatever you say" chan chuckled and gently pinched Felix's nose making the younger pout even more, oh you don't know how much chan wants to kiss that cute pout away

He's too cute, I don't think I can control...

"Hyung! Hurry! The movie is starting" as Felix said he start pulling the older inside the movie theatre, "who the hell was the one whining about it was a horror movie before" chan furrowed his brows

"Oh not me, it'll be fine! I won't be scared!"


"OK IM TAKING THAT BACK!" Felix was terrified to death by even the start of the movie, the younger cling onto chan's arm, while chan rests his hand on top of Felix's thigh

There was a jump scare and Felix was losing his shits, he hides his eyes with both of his baby hands, which chan finds it adorable, during the movie chan's attention was especially on Felix than the movie... I mean, who will watch the movie when you have a cute boy almost crying next to you because he's scared

"C-Channie~" Felix whined as the movie was too terrifying

"You'll be fine fe- bokkie"

Shit I almost called him Felix

Felix presently rest his legs on top of chan's lap, while holding onto the older for dear life, every time there's a startling or bloody part, he would hide in chan's chest

Wow....chan smells real nice


Felix was glad the movie ended, and now he realised the awkward position he is in, he was going to get off chan, but chan picked him up straight away, Felix had to wrap his arms around chan's neck so he won't fall, "c-chan?" Felix asked confused, chan only smirked at the younger and walked out the Cinema with people gazing at them

"Omg are they a couple? That's so cute"

"UWU omg cute"

"Why are all the hot boys gay"

"Eww wtf are they doing"

"Shut the fuck up you ugly ass, at least he has a boyfriend what do you have? Just a fuck doll" a girl yelled, the boy quickly shut up and left awkwardly with people glaring at him

"Chan let me go, people are staring" Felix whined

"Hmmmm...no" chan snickered

"W-where are you taking me?" Felix asked

"To eat food"

"B-but I can walk"

"I know you can"

"I.....ahhh nvm" Felix gave up as chan carried him all the way to the car, and placed him down on the passenger seat

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