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"I STG!..." Felix pouted as he was trying to get the older's attention, but the older seem to fall deep in his work life, the younger tired his best to call out his name, but it seems like chan was too into his making of music that no matter how loud he screams the older just don't seem to hear, even though the music probably isn't even that loud in the headphone

"CHANNNN!" Felix screamed one last time, "Yes!" Finally, the older replied back, "chan pay attention to me!" once again no reply, Felix swear if he doesn't do something physically, the older won't pay attention to him at all

Felix got off his bed and waddled towards the older's desk, he grips onto chan's arm and lifts it up, so he could sit on chan's lap and hugged the older around the waist, chan softly ruffled Felix's hair, but soon when back working

"Oh well..." Felix sighed, he gave up, he rests his head on chan's shoulder while his arm is wrapped around the older's neck and his legs are dangling on each side of the chair, soon enough he slowly falls asleep without knowing.

After about another two hours or so, chan finally finished all his work, he stretched his arm slowly, so he won't wake the younger up

He then took his headphones off and place them on the table. The younger's cute snores were blessing for chan, the older wrapped his arm around the younger's waist and softly rubbed it, making Felix let out a whine, but it sounded like a moan for chan, he swears he got turned on

I mean the position they're in...is not that bad for-

No chan no, that's too evil you can't do it, he's sleeping 

Felix wrapped his arm tighter on the older's neck and move his head, now facing the older's neck, Felix's soft breath softly blowing onto chan's neck was sending chan to heaven

"Fuck it, is his fault" chan softly rubbed the younger's thighs as Felix whined a little, and opened his eyes, "sorry baby did I wake you up?" chan apologised, Felix cutely shook his head, the younger then looked down and realised what chan was doing

Oops... "hmmm...can I?" Chan asked Felix nodded, "...D-don't do too many rounds," Felix said softly, chan smiled and peck the younger on the lips soon the older slowly moved his hand up towards Felix's shirt and under, touching the younger's soft skin

Chan gently, yet slowing moving his hand up towards Felix's nipple and played with it, until he heard Felix start whimpering softly

"C-chan" Felix mumbled out, chan can tell his member was growing and twitching under, the older then slide his hand under Felix's boxer making the younger let out a tiny moan


Chan somehow managed to magically slide his pants and boxer off sitting down, he grabbed the Lube on his desk and squeezed some on his member, Felix said not to do too many rounds but...hmmm

when you have a full meal in front of you, who wouldn't eat it?

Chan also somewhat magically slide Felix's boxer off to the thighs, Felix moved his position a little, so he doesn't feel any discomfort

Chan rubbed the lube all over his member, and some under Felix's hole, chan slid in a finger making Felix moan softly, then he slides in another making the younger moan out loud, Felix was more quiet than usual since he's still sleepy, or more like half-awake only

God, I somehow feel so evil...

After a few thrusting with the finger, Felix seems to be panting softly and his member seems to have some pre-cum, chan smirked and lift Felix up a little.....

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