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"Okay! Since everyone is here! Time to spill some teaaaaa!" Minho said clapping his hands together, "baby that's gay" Jisung chuckled, Minho glared at Jisung, "You.are. gay"

"Well I am, for you" Jisung smirked, "tf, you guys seeing this shit?" Minho said looking shocked, "The Dom Jisung is waking up" Seungmin laughed and Minho pouted

"Aww cutie~" Jisung laughed squishing Minho's cheeks, "okay that's enough, I won't let you off the bed tonight!" Minho glared, Jisung instantly took his hand away

"Good boy" Minho smirked

"And there goes Jisung's Dom dream" Jeongin laughed, everyone else starts laughing too but the laughed died down as chan starts the truth or truth game


Jisung spins the bottle and it happens to land on Felix, "so Felix-" Jisung paused and Felix looked up, "Was it true that you and chan's were fucking while I was calling you the other time?" Jisung asked

"OHH!" Everyone yelled out, chan laughed while Felix was blushing in deep red before nodding his head, "Jesus you guys have no chills!" Jisung said shock, "says you!" Chan defended

Now is Felix's turn to spin the bottle, and lucky Jisung, it landed on him, is like everything is been planned, but nope it was all just luck

"So Jisung-!" Felix smirked which definitely concerned Jisung a lot, "Did you and Minho were doing some...non-kids friendly things next to me on the couch?" Felix asked, is Minho's turn to laugh and Jisung nodded shyly and slapped Minho on the arm to make the older stop laughing

"Damn it, You guys need Jesus"

"Says you!" Jisung sticks his tongue out and pouted


Jisung spins the bottle once again and it landed on Woojin, "so woojin Hyung did you actually...never really hated Chris before dating?" Jisung asked Chris furrowed his brows wanting to know the answer too

"Umm I really did hate him from like a month or so" Woojin replied, Chris, of course, was disappointed but I mean, from hate to love relationship, goals I guess

As Woojin spins the bottle it landed back on Felix, "oh no..." Jisung mumbled and shut his eyes tightly from being anxious, "so Felix" Woojin smirked

"Who did you date before chan"

The question made the whole room silent, "I dated someone!" Felix said, "someone is not an answer," Woojin said and crossed his arms

"Is a he" Felix sighed, "Hey! that doesn't count!" Hyunjin whined, "Actually it does, I said the gender so it still counts as an answer!" Felix pouted

"What kinda logic is that? but Fine! I give it to you for this one!" Woojin said


Felix spins the bottle and it landed on Changbin, Felix giggled, "so changbin Hyung did you like anyone else before Hyunjin?" Felix asked Changbin's eyes widened, he coughed nervously and nodded

"I did...it was...Felix"

"HA! Knew it!" Felix laughed, chan didn't seem so happy, but no big deal, it was a long time ago anyway, Changbin spins the bottle but it landed back at Felix

"Oh god..why is it always me!" Felix whined

"So, was Jisung the person you dated before chan?" Changbinsmiled, now everyone's eyes are on Felix, Felix sighed, "yes it was..me and Jisung dated before..for..two years"

"TWO YEARS?!" Minho and chan both shouted the two older turned to Jisung and Jisung also nodded, "I love tea" Seungmin laughed

"Well, NEXT!" Felix yelled as he was about to spin the bottle it was stopped by chan, "NOPE, I want the whole story, end of the game!"

"That's not fair!!" Felix crossed his arms

"Yes, it is, who agree with me to hear the full story?" Minho asked and everyone put their hands up including Jisung himself

"Jisung!! You too?!" Felix groaned

"It was funny..and cute...so why not recall those memories" Jisung laughed


I'm too excited about this !!

I'm too excited about this !!

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Merry Christmas to everyone ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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