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Flashback to chan arriving at changbin's house

(Of course, gonna tell y'all what happened, won't leave you guys hanging🤡? )


"Lix, chan's going to kill you just so you know..." Changbin Said as he stared at the younger who is now laying on his couch playing with his gyu

"IS OKAYYY chan won't kill me~ I'm cute~ I'm soft~ I'm sweet~ he won't dare to kill me~" Felix giggled, "well...we'll see about that" Changbin sighed, "Anyways I'm making pancakes want some?" Changbin asked

"YES PLEASE! With extra chocolate chip!!"

"Yeah yeah, I'll be at the kitchen if you need me~"



(Basically aggressive knocks, but I wanna be extra)

"WHO TF-" Changbin yelled from the kitchen nearly burning his finger off

"OPEN THE DOOR" a voice yelled

"IS CHAN OMG-" Felix start losing his shits on the couch he hides his body in the plushies to avoid chan seeing him

"Jesus- calm down I'm coming" as Changbin Said, the second he turned his door handle, the door was busted open slamming on the sidewall, changbin's eyes widened not at chan, but his wall now has a huge hole to it

"You fu-" before Changbin could finish, he sees chan throwing all the plushies on top of Felix away and literally picked the younger up with one arm by the waist and carried Felix out of the door like a suitcase

Within 2 minutes, changbin's house was a mess, and also leaving a half screaming Felix in the car outside his house begging for help, Changbin just shrugged his shoulder and shut the door

"Can't do anything for him, but pray...also wtf am I gonna do with that hole in my wall..."


"LET ME OUT CHAN!" Felix screamed in the car



Chan parked the car on the side of the road and got out opening the younger's door, "Wanna go Huh? then go! I'm not stopping you, is 11 pm, and I hope you don't die"

Felix gasped softly and crossed his arm, staying in silent, "Huh? Not screaming"I want to get out now?" " Chan mocked the younger's words

Felix said nothing, well he tried to, but nothing came out. If it was morning he'd be running away, but now is almost midnight, if he walked home along he either die from being a chicken or get killed

"Don't you wanna get out now?" Chan said pulling Felix out of the car

"N-no!" Felix Said pouting

"Nope IDC, if you said you wanna go then go" chan pulled Felix out of the car making the younger stand on the side of the road in cold

"Go! Go, walk home now!" Chan angrily claimed, he felt like he was overreacting, but he also felt like he wasn't...

"Y-you really gonna make me walk home right now?" Felix whined, "Yes" chan said and turning around going back to his car, Felix stood there pouting as he saw the older got in the car and start the engine

Felix crossed his arms as he watched chan driving away, "WHY AM I GONNA DO NOW!" Felix thought about his phone, he can call chan and ask the older to come back

"OMG, I LEFT MY PHONE IN THE CAR" Felix screamed, now he just looks like he's homeless, no money, no phone, no warm clothes, Felix tbh has no idea where he is also, because he's kinda blind at nighttime. Even though his house could be right next to him, he still won't figure.

"I'm sorry Channie..." Felix starts softly sobbing as he walked on the empty cold street, he stopped to wipe his tears away, as he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around seeing an old man

"Are you okay?" the man said, his voice deep and rusty

Felix was scared to death, he was losing his shits he just wanted chan now, he'll do anything to get chan back

"I-I'm Fine!" As Felix Said he start running away, "No you are not! you....ya! come back!" The man screamed and start chasing Felix down


"YOU WANT?!" Woojin yelled through the phone

"I-I'm regretting leaving him alone on the streets" chan said with guilt in his tone, after he finally calms down he realised wtf he has done, he when back to the place where he left Felix, but the younger wasn't there

"I SWEAR TO GOD CHAN, if something happened to Felix I swear you'll see no more sunlight, GO FIND HIM INSTEAD OF CALLING ME!" Woojin yelled

"Y-Yes, sir!"

"And once you found him apologise to him okay?"






Chan ended the call and start his car engine driving around the neighbourhood
trying to find Felix, is been almost 20 minutes and he still sees no sign of Felix

He hit the car wheel and angrily groaned, "wtf was I thinking! If he dies is my fault!"

No shit chan, it is your fault!

Just as chan was about to take his phone out, his phone starts ringing by an unknown number, he looked around and realised Felix's phone is his car, so there's no way the younger can call him, but he still ends up answering the call


"Hello, this is from JYP police station, a boy named Felix is at our the station right now, he also almost got assaulted by a man, and he told me he was lost so I bought him back to our station"

"ARE...are you...serious?? IS HE OKAY???" Chan asked worriedly

"He's...not really okay—he's been crying for the past ten minutes—and"

"Channieeee ahhhhhhhhh!" Felix's cry was heard on the other side of the phone, making chan panic even more

"Anyways..you have heard..so please come collect——"

"Omg- Okay I'm coming now! btw your voice sounded really familiar...do we know each other?" Chan asked

"I don't think so?"

"Right- my bad... but I'll be there in about a few minutes.."

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