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"L-let go of me!" Felix cried out in a soft voice

"Not until you become mine" byunghan Said with a scowl

"Ya isn't that-" a girl said and paused, chan pushed through the crowds, he looked down and sees Jisung who's bleeding on the lips, his eyes wandered around until he spotted Felix getting pinned against the lockers, he tries to stay as calm as possible, not until he sees Felix's bleeding...that's when chan lost it completely...

"Fucking piece of shit" as chan mumbled he clenched his fist, and walked towards byunghan, Chan tap on the boy's shoulder, byunghan turned around and furrow his brows, "What?!" He glared. Chan smiled and hit him right in the eyes

Before byunghan even realise, he was already on the floor, soon Minho joined and kicked him directly on the stomach while chan was punching the hell out of him on the face

"You fucking listen cunt, I don't care what the fuck you when through, following mark lee's boyfriend home is non of my business, but that boy right there! He's fucking mine, don't you ever dare to lay a piece of finger on him or I won't hesitate and fucking chopped them off, you got that?!" as chan shouted as he spat on the boy before leaving to check on Felix

Minho, on the other hand, wasn't done yet, he squats down and gently stroked the boy's cheeks with a smirk, "What a gross piece of shit" as Minho mumbled, he pulled the boy up by his shirt and slammed him towards the lockers, everyone including Jisung was shocked at how strong Minho is

"Listen deepshit, don't you dare to lay your nasty hands on what's mine" Minho smiled, "or else they will be gone" as Minho finished he stepped straight on byunghan's hand making the boy shrieked in pain

"Yes!" Someone screamed

"He fucking deserved it" a girl shouted

A few moments later a few teachers came and also called the ambulance, since byunghan looked like he will see the devils tonight for an interview, for his new bedroom in hell tonight.

But anyways the teacher called the four boys into their office to ask what happened...


After about half an hour later of explaining what happened, the teacher nodded and understood what happened, soon the four got dismissed from the office and also the rest of the day

The four wasn't in so much trouble since byunghan really was the worst person that could be alive, following girls home, trying to harass boys also...

The worst thing he's ever done was to sexually abuse someone's younger sibling and somehow got away with it...


"I'll bring Jisung home now" Minho Said gently interlocked their hands and pulled the younger away

Jisung noticed Minho's knuckles were bleeding so he stopped walking making Minho turned around confused

"Y-your hand" Jisung said, gently caressing it. "Is nothing Ji" Minho Replied quietly, Jisung seem to notice the sudden tone change he looked up seeing an upset yet still mad Minho

"B-but your hand-" before Jisung could finish Minho pulls the younger in for a tight hug, "As long as you're safe, that's all It matters" Jisung smiled and hugged the older back

"I promise I'm okay" Jisung pulled away and smiled, "I swear if that deepshit lays any more fingers on you I will kill him..." Jisung laughed at the older since Minho start ranting about the ways he can kill byunghan, Jisung sighed softly

He had to shut Minho up. So he pulled Minho by his shirt, tippy-toed and kissed him on the lips to shush him, Minho, of course, was like holy shit wtf, but a second later he starts kissing back the younger, Minho softly wrapped Jisung by his waist with his arms and kissed the hell out of the boy

The two pulled away from the heated kiss leaving a red cheek squirrel and a smirking boy, Minho picked Jisung up and throw him over the shoulder

"MINHO!" Jisung yelled "what are u doing!", "w-where are you taking me!" Jisung panicked

"Going home and doing you" Minho smirked

You guys are so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
Wanting to give you all a big fat hug ❤️('°̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥`)

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