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6K Likes 2K Comments Jistarhan // with my bby boy ✊❤️

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Jistarhan // with my bby boy ✊❤️

BCchan // Ooft is that cutie
Jistarhan // it sure is

Bbylixue // awww I look so cute
Jistarhan // u^*
Bbylixue // oops autocorrect...I mean u look so cute
Jistarhan // of course, xx ❤️

BCchan // @ Bbylixue he is so cute right?
Bbylixue // yeah......


17K Likes 7K Comments BCchan // Yo

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BCchan // Yo

Youknowlee // aww my man is so cute
Jistarhan // I'm all yours 🥺🥺❤️

BCchan // get a fucjing room
Youknowlee // I will after you return my man
BCchan // he's coming home now
Youknowlee // good!

Bbylixue // Jisung so cute
BCchan // Nah mate I'm cuter
Bbylixue // gross....I rather you stay as daddy than cute
BCchan // I'm chanffended
Bbylixue // then be offended

Jistarhan // ^^ eew those two sounded like an old married couple
Bbylixue // oh I wish
BCchan // lol me and him? = Never
Jistarhan // we'll see about that
BCchan // go away horny squirrel


23K Likes 7K Comments BCchan // Pineapple juice gives you Vitamin C~ so drink more of it

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BCchan // Pineapple juice gives you Vitamin C~ so drink more of it

Bbylixue // COME ON- we all know that doesn't just give you vitamin c 🗿
BCchan // hell yeah it does
Bbylixue //.....I-

Jistarhan // oh yeah we know you like pineapple juice 😉
BCchan // oh course, I should drink pineapple juice before I got on dates
Jistarhan // 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
BCchan // what? it gives you more vitamin c so you feel more alive
Jistarhan // of course it does 😌


12K Likes 3K Comments Bbylixue // idk if you were been serious with this whole pineapple juice thing

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Bbylixue // idk if you were been serious with this whole pineapple juice thing... but like- umm yeah...

Youknowlee // what? Oh, that pineapple juice makes your cum taste better?
Bbylixue // stop-
Youknowlee // hell yeah get that sEmEn😉👌😌👅👅👅
Bbylixue // goodbye demon, be gone

A/N:Minho exposes the pineapple juice- not me.....😌👌

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