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Many years ago

"Jisung!!" Felix whined, "hi lixue I missed you!" Jisung said hugging the younger, "I miss you too, but we just saw each other the other day!" Felix giggled, "yeah yeah whatever!" Jisung chuckled

The two boys start dating during 7th grade and lasted all the way till 9th grade, the two broke up thinking it was better to stay as good friends

Jisung was the one to confess, he still recalls him teasing Felix a lot back then about him crying because it was cute

"Wait no stop- you top?" Minho questioned, "you'll see" Jisung smirked

It was Jisung's birthday, Felix came over and the two were cooking, the younger accidentally cut his finger, Jisung grabbed the younger's finger and softly sucked on it to stop the bleeding 

Felix pulled his finger back shyly, "I...I will get a bandage!" Felix said and runoff, Jisung chuckled and when back cooking, soon enough someone knocked on the door, Jisung was confused, who's here?

"Happy birthday Jisung!" The girl yelled

"Umm..clara? What are you doing here.." Jisung furrowed his brows kinda shock at the appearance of the girl, "I wanted to come and say happy birthday to you, I also bought you a cake and gift!" The girl said and showed them to Jisung.

"oh..umm...thanks.." Jisung replied as he grabbed the gift out of Clara's hands

"Well..umm you want to come in? Me and Felix are cooking something" Jisung said and of course, Clara nodded, but she didn't like the fact that Felix was here

Felix walked downstairs and sees a pair of heels by the door, he heard talking in the kitchen, he walked towards the kitchen and sees Jisung and a girl laughing at something, Felix felt upset as he thought this year they were celebrating Jisung's birthday with just the two of them like always...

"I bought you a cake! Let's eat it?" Clara said and Jisung nodded, Felix felt even sadder as he also bought Jisung a cake, but he didn't plan to take it out until after dinner

Felix also saw the expensive gift on the bench table, he remembers his cheap gift and a small cake, he sighed. He walked towards the kitchen, Jisung sees the younger and smiled

"Did you find the bandage?" Jisung asked and Felix nodded, Jisung kinda sense the younger was a little quiet than before, "want a cake?" Jisung asked, Felix, shakes his head and sat down next to Clara

"Well anyways, Jisung say ah!" Clara said as he feeds Jisung, Jisung awkwardly accepted it, Felix who's watching clenched his fist and pretended he saw nothing

Soon then, Jisung when off to get some water, Clara turned around to Felix, "I think you need to leave, this is Jisung's birthday, I'm sure he wants to spend time with a girl instead" she said, Felix thought about it, well is true, is not like Jisung likes boys anyway

"Well..can you tell Jisung I'm busy..and I when home?" Felix said, "yeah whatever" she replied, Felix nodded and when upstairs, he grabbed his gift and cake for Jisung and left by the front door

When Jisung came back, he notices Felix was gone so he asked Clara, "oh he when home because he said something important came up" Clara replied, Jisung didn't believe it, every year Felix will push all his plans back to celebrate Jisung's birthday, and since his birthday is the next day, normally Felix even has the whole week off.

"No, he didn't..what did you say to him" Jisung glared as his tone sounded a little angry, "haha...what do you mean Jisung? He said he was busy so he when home!" Clara pouted as she stood up walking towards Jisung

She clingy onto Jisung and start circling her fingertip on Jisung chest, Jisung pushed her off, "get out!" He yelled, "come on Jisung, I know you are shy" she smirked, "I said get out!" Jisung yelled once again

"What do you mean! I know you like me! Come on!" She whined

"Fuck off, would I will never like you, keep dreaming, I'd rather date a trash bag than you" Jisung yelled grabbing her arm and pushed her out the door

She groaned and left to her car, Jisung grabbed his keys and phone putting on a hoodie before chasing out the door is almost 7 pm since is winter is already dark outside, Jisung is very much worried about Felix

"Please answer your call!" Jisung groaned annoyed


Felix was walking back home but stopped by the park in between his and Jisung's house, the two always come here for any occasions

Felix sat by the swing with his gift and cake in hand, he felt tears rolling down his cheeks as he knows Jisung and that girl is probably having a lot of fun right now

As Felix was about to wipe his tears, a hand came from behind and covered his eyes softly, Felix knows that smell, he cried even harder while holding onto the boy's hand

Felix turned around and hugged the older, Jisung hugged back feeling his heartache, "I'm sorry!" Jisung said as he felt terrible, he should've never invited Clara in the house

As Felix calmed down and moved away from him, Jisung smirked staring at the things Felix are holding, "Are those for me?" Jisung smirked, Felix blushed and hide it behind his back

"N-no..those are for me! And t-the cake..are f-for me too!"

"Awww really? Well did you know Clara's cake taste pretty good too?" Jisung teased, Felix looked at Jisung, who watches those huge tears rolling down Felix's cheeks, "omg I was joking!!!" Jisung said in a hurried and brings Felix in for another hug again

"Y..you like her don't you...w-why did you left the house...y..you shouldn't leave her!" Felix hiccupped

"I want to spend my birthday with you only and she left already!" Jisung smiled

"I..I hate you!" Felix mumbled out

"I love you" Jisung replied back which shock Felix, "I like you a lot, Felix"

"Y..you like me?" Felix said while Jisung was wiping his tears away, Jisung chuckled and nodded

"I like you a lot...you don't like me?"

"I..I do!" Felix smiled

"WAIT SO- Jisung top?!" Everyone gasped including Minho, "well you see at one point, we somehow becomes a switch once, but after that I still dom tho" Jisung said and winked Felix

Chan glared and hugged Felix, "Too bad he's mine now!", "come down, I'm not stealing Felix, I have Minho~~" Jisung smiled and hugged the older

Minho smiled feeling pleased, "what's that burn smell?" Hyunjin abruptly said

"SHIT THE COOKIES!" Chan and Woojin both yelled

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