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8 Hours later ~

48K Likes 20K Comments BCchan // help- he haven't talk to me for an hour

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48K Likes 20K Comments
BCchan // help- he haven't talk to me for an hour...

Jistarhan // FUCKING HELL CHAN, what did you do-
BCchan // 👉👈
Jistarhan // wait...... did you guys...Umm fucked... I swear when Felix answered my call......were you guys fucking???

Bbylixue // n-no
Jistarhan // oh good thank god
BCchan // ..


"Baby please talk to me~" chan whined as the younger gives him no attention what so ever

"Go away!" Felix slightly yelled still playing with his cat

"I'm sorry baby.....I should've not gone that hard...and that far..." chan said feeling guilty

"Y-you knows I was on a call and you...you still-" Felix said blushing...Felix finally answered Jisung's call, but he was umm getting-

"I'm sorry baby" chan said looking upset, the older moved away from the younger and sat on the other side of the couch with an upset expression

Felix glanced and sees chan sitting there upset, his face expression when soft seeing the older pouting, he places his cat down and cutely waddle towards the older and sat on chan's lap

"F-Felix?" Chan asked confused

"I'm sorry Channie~ don't be sad..." Felix Said

"N-no I'm upset"

"Then what do you want me to do?" Felix said pouting

"kiss" chan said and pointed on his cheeks, but instead Felix kissed the older on the lips, "god Felix.....you....you ass! You know I can't hold back if you..." chan sighed

"I-I didn't say you had to hold back...." Felix Said shyly, chan gasped loudly but attacked the younger straight away


37K Likes 7K Comments Jistarhan // guys I swear earlier when I called Felix and he finally answered, there were weird sounds

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37K Likes 7K Comments
Jistarhan // guys I swear earlier when I called Felix and he finally answered, there were weird sounds......Lix are you okay now?

BCchan // 🗿🗿🗿
Jistarhan // okay good good

Youknowlee // J-jisung.. are you really...
Bbylixue // CNN YSOU G ASAWY
Youknowlee // what...?
Jistarhan // *Can you go away*^
Youknowlee // OHHHHH HAHAHA

BCchan // OOPS-
Bbylixue // UU TYE, HSUTUP
BCchan //?
Jistarhan // *You too, shut up*^


38K likes 8K comments Chickennkim // YUMM YUMM

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Chickennkim // YUMM YUMM

Chickennkim // 🤨🤨🤨🤨

Bbylixue // cute Hyung!
Chickennkim // you too 🥰

Yu.chris // why don't I get 🥰🥰
Chickennkim // you get 🖕🖕🖕
Yu.chris // 👉👌
Chickennkim // 👎👎👎👊👋
Yu.chris // aww cute


40K likes 10K commentsBinnieseo // new hair who tis

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40K likes 10K comments
Binnieseo // new hair who tis

Hwangjinnie // I got a boner
Binnieseo // oh-

Bbylixue // oh my heart fluttered 😳
BCchan // FELIX!
Bbylixue // oopsie sowey

Innieyang // damn- that's hot
Binnieseo // thanks innie Ahh~

Jistarhan // wew, he's hot
Binnieseo // did you just @ racha ?
Jistarhan // I did, racha has good songs, man they're cool as

Bbylixue // wait the song is wew by racha right?
Jistarhan // Ye ^
Bbylixue // damn they're hot not gonna lie
Jistarhan // Ohhh who do you think is hot?!!
Bbylixue // I think his name is Chen right?
Jistarhan // oh yes!!

Youknowlee // Jisan is wayyy hotter
Hwangjinnie // oh please, chenbin is hotter

BCchan // ????? @ Bbylixue
Jistarhan // ???? @ Youknowlee
Binnieseo // ???? @ Hwangjinnie

Bbylixue // STAN RACHA! Chen! Jisan! Chenbin! HOT
Youknowlee // Stan talent
Hwangjinnie // Stan

Stan wew by racha 🤡

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