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Still flashback


"FELIX!" Chan yelled as he runs inside the station panting hard trying to catch his breath, Felix looked up seeing the older he run towards the older and jumped on him crying, chan place his hand under Felix's ass for support, so the younger could wrap his legs around the waist

"I'm sorry lix... I didn't know what I was thinking...I should've not left you there...I'm sorry I was so selfish and jealous...I-I just didn't want you to hang out with another boy in his house, when...when you and him were really close, I'm really worried Lix. I'm sorry...don't cry, Channie is sorry" chan said softly while trying to comfort the younger

"I-is o-okay...l-Lixue forgive y-you" the younger hiccuped

"*Cough*, well then" a voice said making both of them turned around, "omg? Jinyoung? Shit I knew it was you"

"Yeah yeah whatever chan, anyways you should be glad I just got off work walking back home and run into that boy, or else he'd be dead" Jinyoung sighed

"Thanks man, I owe you this" after a few conversations the two left the station still with Felix wrapped around him


The car ride back home was awkward ish, Felix sat there fiddling with his fingers, and giving the older a few tiny glances to see if chan was still angry, he sighed softly so the older won't hear, he looked up at the sky seeing the pretty stars

"Channie look!! There are pretty stars!" it took a few second before Felix realised what he said, he shyly looked down playing with his hoodie strap

"Yes, they're really pretty baby" chan turned around and smiled at the younger, Felix had a tint of redness across his cheeks as he loves it when the older smiles, especially when older show his pretty dimples, it makes his heart flutter~

(Me too Felix)

"....okay...listen I'm sorry baby i- I was dum-"

"C-Channie is okay...I forgive you already, just watch the road while your driving" Felix Said, and the older nodded


"We're here" chan said and stopped front of Felix's house

"Felix?" Chan questioned as the younger didn't seem to want to get out of the car

"I-......I- I was...wondering...if you want to stay...at my house tonight?...b-because is late...and my parents are...on a trip till next week.." Felix shyly Said slowing looking up seeing the older with an unexplained expression, Felix immediately regretted his words as his sure he got rejected...

"Sure" chan said with a smile

"I-I mean you don't have... too....I- Just wait...SURE??" Felix's eyes widened and stared at the older, the older simply gave him a smile

"O-okay.." Felix Said, once he opened the door his heart was pounding really fast from happiness, what he doesn't know was, the older was also dying on the inside, he was more than welcome to come inside Felix's house

(Plus, he hadn't done his punishment yet ;) )


Chan made some dinner for the younger and himself, the younger when and took a shower after the dinner, while the older waited at the living room watching some TV show, even though it was already around 1 am, but both seemed to be not tired at all

When chan saw the younger's phone on the table, he suddenly thought about what Felix will name him on his phone, so he pressed his contact, Felix's phone start ringing soon after, chan looked over and sees his name-

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