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Felix's eyes widened as he saw chan's car, "Geez what are you? Does money come from trees for you?" Felix asked, chan simply smiled at him

The older opened the door for Felix, you know, being the gentleman he is.
"t-thanks," Felix Shyly replied, "no worries baby" chan said and closed the door



"W-where you taking me today?"

"Anywhere you like~" chan smiled, "movies?" Felix asked, "Sure"

(A/N: why do I feel awkward writing this part)


Felix was looking out the window as the wind was slowly blowing his hair, chan was tbh screaming internally at the boy's beauty, he couldn't believe the mean things he's said to him online, but he still a fetus tho

Chan chuckled as he saw Felix got scared by the sudden speed up, "Geez Channie slower" Felix whined

"Channie?" Chan questioned. Felix gasped slightly and looked down embarrassed, and start to fidgeting his fingers, "I like the name, baby" chan laughed and clasped Felix's hand to intertwined them

"Y-you are driving" Felix said 

"Is fine, it has auto drive mode"

"Wow..rich.." Felix murmured

Every time Felix smile, chan felt like his heart would explode into pieces, even worst-, finding out the fact that Felix's hands are so small, that it fits perfectly in chan's palm


(Please ignore the clothes...pay attention to the hands HAHAHA is so cute)

pay attention to the hands HAHAHA is so cute)

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73K Likes 29K Comments
BCchan // Mine❤️

Jistarhan // oop- possessive much
BCchan // you know it

Hwangjinnie // omg wait I never realised his hands are THAT smoll and cute
BCchan // surprise

Minniekim // awwwww his hands are so smoolll
Hwangjinnie // YA KIM SEUNGMIN what do you think you are doing!

Youknowlee // that's the way I hold my squirrel too
BCchan // just get together already
Youknowlee // back to you with the boy
BCchan // at least WE ARE making progress what about you and the squirrel
Jistarhan // JAKSKSKSKKSK-

Bbylixue // his hands is so small~
BCchan // I know~

Jistarhan // and I oop-^

Daddy // Chanlix 🔚 Where stories live. Discover now