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"HAN JISUNG! YOU SQUIRREL LOOKING! STOP STEALING MY COOKIE! That's mine!" Felix pouted also shouting and chasing the boy

Woojin and Chris are by the couch watching some movie, Jeongin and Seungmin is outside talking about who knows what, Minho and chan is cooking in the kitchen, Felix was chasing the squirrel boy, but he now has caught him, both younger are currently on the ground

And lastly, Hyunjin and Changbin, who knows where they when, probably making out? Who knows...

"Jisung! Felix! You two get up! The ground is dirty!" Chan's scolds the two, Jisung and Felix giggled and run upstairs


"Wait up squirrel!" Felix whined, "come chase me!" Jisung sticks out his tongue, "Istg!"

"Don't run too fast you two!" Chan shouted out worried as he does not want to take one of them to the doctors with a dumb reason of them chasing each other and fall, then hurting their head or something, "okay!" Felix yelled back

"Ha! GOT CHU!" Felix said as he hugged the squirrel from behind, the two younger both fall on the ground and laughed, but the two stopped laughing as Felix was basically pinning Jisung on the ground, Felix smiled and pinched Jisung's cheeks

The boy whined and slapped Felix's ass, the two younger beginnings laughing once again, Felix flopped to the side of Jisung and stared up the ceiling, "Jisung" Felix called out as the laugher gradually faded


"What do you think their reaction will be," Felix said and turned his head to the boy, "Idk...but I bet those two will be jealous " Jisung laughed

The two younger was chatting, but somewhat they become real quiet, chan who's downstairs was worried that the two were so quiet, he when upstairs to check just in case Jisung is choking Felix, or Felix is choking Jisung

Minho decided to follow chan upstairs to see his squirrel too, but once the two comes to sight, both see the two younger cuddlings while laying down on the hallway

"Are they asleep??" Minho asked surprised, like who the hell falls asleep in the middle of a hallway

"I think so" Chan chuckled

The two older bends down and both pulled their phone out and start taking photos, "Is that what whipped culture is?" Hyunjin asked he peep out the bathroom, "yeah probably" Changbin laughed

Double update :))

•••Double update :)) Also-

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I'm excited-

And also

I think I'm in love I fall for this daehwi really bad and I think I really need to Stan him & AB6ix even tho I have some of their songs in my playlist already 😌😌😌✊✊

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I think I'm in love
I fall for this daehwi really bad and I think I really need to Stan him & AB6ix even tho I have some of their songs in my playlist already 😌😌😌✊✊

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