Muggle Au

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Read this whilst listening to the song ' Diamonds' by Rihanna.

Hermione Jean Granger is a very smart young woman who is a very quick learner. She is polite to everyone and doesn't judge books by their covers so to speak. Hermione is known to be the brightest girl of her age as she is at the top of all her class, she always gets top marks.

Hermione is a hard worker and loves a challenge. She isn't afraid to make new friends and when needed she stands up for herself.

Hermione is friends with Harry James Potter who is the captain of the football team, Ronald Billius Wesley the schools goal keeper and his little sister Ginny Wesley who is Hermione's best friend and also happens to be on the team. Hermione isn't on the team though because she doesn't like sports she is more of the go and read a book in the library kind of girl. But she does have another pass time which is playing the piano.

Draco Lucius Malfoy is a typical bad boy with a nasty attitude opposite to Hermione's shiny outlook on life. He is from a very wealthy family who is very well respected and known. Draco is a bully he does it mostly because he needs to keep up his reputation especially saying as his dad was famous for being a bully when he was at school.

Draco is on the football team and is a very good player but he hates his teammates apart from his friends of course he especially hates Potter, Shewesal and weslbee though he absolutely can't stand them at all. As well as football Draco plays guitar which  he loves.

Draco's friends are all rich like him and are his parents friends kids. Draco's friends are Pansy parkininson who is a really popular school chearleader and Blaise Zanbini who is on the football team with his other mate Theodore Nott.

They all attend Hogwarts secondary school and are all in year 11 apart from Ginny who is in year 10.

Hermione was in the library reading she spends most of her breaks and lunch times their she usually plays piano at home not many people know about her musical side. She was a beautiful princess wearing a long white trailing dress at her wedding with a handsome groom by her side when Bamm! She was awoke from her book driven fantasy by the sound of a hardback forcefully hitting the hardwood floor of the library.

Hermione knew she shouldn't look and just continue with her reading but her curiosity always gets the better of her and she was unable to stop it. She peered over the edge of the book to see a head of platinum hair she knew immediately what had happened Draco had threw the book on the floor. Probably another stupid little paddy Hermione thought to herself.

Draco caught Hermione looking at him and shouted loud enough for the whole school to hear, "What are you looking at bookworm!"

The librarian Immediately hushed him and demand that he pick up the book that he had so horrible handled and leave. Draco's obvious response was to throw yet another book on the floor whilst declaring, "This school is sh*t!" before leaving sticking up his middle finger and Slamming the library door upon his exit.

The librarian looked surprised at his actions but Hermione just rolled her eyes at the whole skeptical it was just Draco being who he is anyways. She was used to his behaviour saying as he has been bullying her the whole almost 5 years of secondary school she had just learnt to ignore him.

After that the day went quiet slow for both of them Hermione finished up in the library then went to her afternoon classes before leaving to walk home. She had also talked to her friends a bit she had told them about Draco's outburst which Ginny found absolutely hilarious but of course she would.

Draco on the other hand went about terrorising the school because he was angry about what had happened in the library. He finished the day of by being awarded yet another detention due to his unruly behaviour. Luckily he didn't have football practice because he would definitely be tipped over the edge with that he just wasn't in the mood.

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