Sweet but a psycho part two

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Read this why listening to 'sweet but a psycho' by Ava Max

It had been a few months since the whole getting punched in the face thing and Draco hadn't really had much of an encounter with Hermione other than seeing her in class and walking about. But that was all about to change.Towards the end of the school year was when it happen. It was a Saturday and Draco was walking along the Hogwarts grounds by the lake alone when he saw the golden trio up ahead.

Turning around would be cowardly of him so Draco marched straight up to them with a smirk on his face ready for a fight. Hermione was the first to notice the dot of platinum white hair approaching and stopped what she was doing wearing a straight face.

"What's wrong Mione?" Harry asked.

Hermione didn't even have to say anything as Draco was already standing a few feet away.

"Aww how cute the little golden trio all giggling together like a group of 2 year olds." Draco sneered.

"Bugger off Malfoy!"

"Oh what's wrong Weaslebee you dont want me over here by your mudblood?"

"That's it !" Ron yelled.

Hermione held her hand in front of Ron.

"No Ronald that's all he wants a reaction."

"Says the one who punched him in the face last time." Ron muttered.

"What was that Weasley, mumbling to yourself again are you ?"

"No actually I was talking about how Mione punched you last time and how utterly hypocritical she has just been." Ron retorted.

"That was dumb luck!" Draco sneered clearly getting angry.

"Embarrassed Malfoy?" Harry smirked.

"Or flustered because......" Ron said then nodded to Harry and mouthed ready " She is beauty, she is grace and she will punch you in the face!" 

The boys started to laugh hysterical whilst Hermione giggled and Draco seethed.

"Ok I will show you." Draco dived forward towards Hermione  when she wasn't paying attention and kissed her on the lips.

Harry and Ron immediately shot out of their state of giggles and were shouting at Draco to get his hands off Hermione Whilst Mione was completely shocked. Draco thought she would push him away but to his surprised she embraced the kiss. When Draco pulled away from her he was faced with an embarrassed and flustered Hermione Granger and her two angry best friends.

"See I made her embarrassed and flustered." Draco muttered before dashing off before likely getting killed for what he had just done.

Hermione just stared at the space that he had just been. She had no idea that she liked Draco but that kiss told her otherwise. Maybe he wouldn't be such an arse now but she doubts that will change.

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