Nott part two

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As soon as Hermiones body hit the floor Theo snapped out of his thoughts. He couldn't believe the sight In front of him. Hermione still had dried blood under her nose from the blast and now she was pale and crumpled on the floor. Without a second thought Theo was on the floor and by her side filled with worry.

Theo worriedly checked her pulse as she didn't look to be breathing all that well. As he pulled up her wrist he quickly felt her pulse and was relived to know she was ok. He came to the conclusion that all that was going on was too much for her. As he was about to pull her sleeve back down a scar caught his attention. It was Hermiones mudblood scar!

Looking at the scar almost made Theo physically sick. He had no idea that Hermione had been forced to bear this word in such a horrible way. He had heard from Draco that Hermione had a awful time at Malfoy manor and immediately put two and two together. His sister was tortured during the war. She must have been tortured at his best mates house. 

Theo felt tears fall down his face and he quickly pulled Hermiones sleeved down gently. He picked her up in his arms and was suprised at how light his older sister actually was. Theo didn't think twice when he safely apparated his unconscious sister into his shared flat. The flat he shares with the one and only Draco Malfoy. 

Draco was sitting on the sofa reading a muggle novel when he heard the tell tale signs of apparition. Just as he had placed down his novella of a Christmas carol by Charles Dicken he was faced with Theo carrying Hermione Granger in his arms. 

Draco hadn't seen Herione Granger in ages. He had wanted to return for his 7th year like Theo did but all the hate was too much for him. Draco decided to take up the Malfoy family business in selling potion wares and also fine wine. He hadn't seen Hermione Granger since the battle of Hogwarts. 

It was a shock to see the young woman being carried in the arms of his best friend. She looked awful, she was pale and had dried blood all over her nose. What on earth was happening? 

Theo looked very concerned and was looking down at Hermione to make sure she was still ok when Draco shouted, "What the hell is going on?!" 

Theo didn't bother responding just threw Draco off the sofa with a simple non verbal spell and lay Hermione down. He made sure that she was comfortable before turning to Draco with a sigh. 

"She's my sister." Is all that he could managed before he could feel tears prick at his eyes. 

He had always wanted a sibling especially a sister and now he had one. He had the most amazing sister but seeing her the way he was now was killing him. He was an awful brother. If he had knew soon then he would have been able to help her, maybe even save her from her horrible torture. 

Draco sat stunned. He had always know that Granger had looked similar to Theo as they both had darker brown hair and the same eye colour but so did a lot of people. It was not until know that he could really tell Theo was telling the truth. 

It's weird how when something is mention to you that it allows you to see so much more clearly. Draco didn't understand how the heck this came about all he knew is that he had a uncouncious Hermione and a crying Theo. 

"Theo I don't think I understand. How do you know she is your real sister?" 

Theo pointed to this necklace, " Turns out this is charmed. Charmed to find my sister. I got it after mother passed with a riddle. Guess we figured out the riddle." He laughed humourlessly. 

Draco couldn't believe it. 

"What's wrong with her then?" He asked.

"I'm not sure I guess it was all too much for her she was already in quiet a state when I found her. This on top of everything has probably made her body go into shock." Theo frowned in concern. 

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