Rose part two

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Its been7 days and Hermione was loosing her mind. She knew she shouldn't have let her grandfather leave on that trip on his own, she should have gone with him. Then at least she would know that he was safe. She was going out of her mind, she couldn't concentrate at all. She tried to tell herself that she was over exaggerating and that her grandfather was actually just having a good time after making a great deal but the feeling of dread was setting in.

Hermione knew that something was wrong they must be. Her grandfather would never stay longer than he needed to as he always liked to spend as much time as he could with Hermione or creating. This was serious and Hermione didn't know what to do. She couldn't exactly ask anyone in the village as nobody like the little book wormed orphan. She was out of options. She hated to do it but she had to leave her home and head to the city. She had to find her grandfather!

Keys jingling in her hand she raced down the street receiving several disgusted stares especially from the Greengrass sisters. Hermione swung her legs over on of the horses the village children trained to ride on and was off. She had her skirt hitched around her as she billowed through the rough terrain of the vast forest on the village outskirts. The wind was hitting her face full force making it hard to get any oxygen to her lungs. She tried not to worry as she leaped low lying tree roots and ducked under branches. 

The only point which she stopped was when she found a large tree that had fell in the middle of the central path to the city. She couldn't believe it. That was the only route to the city and it was far to high to jump even if she cantered it. Hermione felt her shoulders sag in worry and defeat. Maybe her grandfather simply couldn't get back to the village from the city due to the tree? 

That's when she found the carriage that her grandfather had taken it was parked into a bush just off a small trail to the right of the tree. Her heart jumped up her throat as she leaped off her horse to search for him around the abandoned carriage. There was no sign of him and for every passing minute she got more panicked. Wolves were in theses woods and she had no clue what she would do if her grandfather had been killed. She couldn't even bare the thought. 

Without any other option Hermione decide to follow the trail in hopes that her grandfather had found refuge somewhere in the direction. There was rumours and tails of a great manor house in the woods where only the rich and famous were invited. She hoped to God that her grandfather had managed to find such a place to seek refuge until he could borrow a horse and return home. Hermione could only hope.

Draco had been yet again moping around the manor feeling the dark heavy cloud that followed him on his shoulders. A few years ago he would have been planning balls for the rich and famous but that was before. Before the shadow of the past begun turning his heart to lead. He knew what was to come, he knew he was turning into a horrible monster. He no longer allowed people in the manor, no more parties were ever put on because he didn't deserve joy. 

Nowadays the Malfoy manor lived on an old wives tale. The tale goes that true love can break a witches curse however Draco wasn't exactly cursed. Draco was traumatised by the witches and watched as his parents died, he was not cursed. But those who live in the house with Draco like Dobby the families butler, liked to hope that a true love would save him all the same. It didn't matter how much they tried to show him love Draco just hated himself even more what he needs is someone new to love that would understand him more than anyone else. 

Draco's moping was interrupted by a commotion downstairs, Dobby and the others seemed frantic and that had Draco's curiosity peaked. An elderly man stood in his entrance hall with a cut across his eyebrow and a slight limp. Draco was lost for words, nobody ever came up to the manor anymore it was meant to be hidden for a reason. He had no idea who this old man was but wanted him gone. That's when he noticed that the old man had food in his hands from the manor, Did this man steal from him? Is that why he was hurt because someone caught him in the act?!

That's when the monster took over silencing the rational voice in his mind. 

The elderly man ended up in the prison in the west side of the manor and the monster wasn't going to let him out any time soon. Draco did feel sorry for the man but the monster inside was right he had to be punished for stealing off a Malfoy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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