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Part one 

Hermione couldn't restore her parents memories and it was killing her. That's how Theodore Nott came across Hermione crying by the river side. Hermione had been crying her eyes out when Theo found her because she knew she wouldn't get her parents back. 


Hermione turned around in fright to find herself face to face with Theodore Nott.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

Hermione shook her head no and turned away from him. Theo didn't really know Hermione personally in school but they did take several advanced classes together in 6th year. He hadn't been very mean to Hermione he mainly let Draco do the bullying and hadn't called her a mudblood to her face. Theo didn't take pleasure into seeing girls cry so wanted to help out Hermione saying as she had decided to be friendly with him in their renewed 7th year.  

Theo approach Hermione and went to lay a comforting hand on her shoulder but thought better of it and asked;

"What's wrong Hermione?" 

Hermione turned to face Theo and he could see her shaking, her eyes were red and puffy with tear stains marrying her cheeks.

"It's nothing it's my fault anyways I will find a way to fix it eventually." Hermione said.

"What's your fault?" 

"I had to obligate my parents in the war and they ended up living in Austalia. I gave them new names and made sure they wouldn't remember me so that death eaters wouldn't kill them." She wiped her tears off her face and corrected herself standing up straighter with a sniff.

Only a few people knew about what Hermione was going through. Obviously she had told Harry and Ron as well as the rest of the Weasly clan. However telling someone like Theo well it could be incredible stupid or it could be genius. Maybe talking to someone about her situation who she wasn't such close friends with would help her. 

Theo was shocked about what he had just heard and immediately hugged Hermione. Him and Hermione were not the  bestest of friends more like aquatintces but after what he had just heard she defiantly needed a hug. 

Suddenly Hermione and Theo were blown apart by some kind of magical connection. The chain that was around Theo's neck was glowing. 

"Shit!" Hermione cursed as she got up off the ground with a badly blooded nose. 

"What was that?!" Theo yelled wincing as he rubbed his bruised jaw. 

"It was your necklace thing." Hermione gestered to Theo's neck, "What is it girl repellent or something?!" 

Theo grimaced when he saw Hermiones nose and instinctively got closer to her to see if he could help her. Hermiones eyes widened, she knew he was trying to help but that necklace wouldn't. 

"Theo the necklace!" She warned pointing. 

Theo stopped where he was and frowned. He was confused at the weird reaction that his necklace had given off. The necklace was given to him in his mothers will. It came with a note which was actually more of a riddle. Theo told this to Hermione and she was immediately interested.

"What was the riddle?" 

"It said, 9 months to wait a lifetime to learn, 2 torn 1 burned." 

Hermione immediately began to pull apart the riddle. She always loved a good problem to solve. 

"Nine months to wait... Hmm... That could be pregnancy because you generally wait around 9 to 10 months for a child to be born. Then a lifetime to learn could fit then with the child theory maybe." 

Theo looked at Hermione curiously, " So my mothers message was about a child that could make sense. A lifetime to learn could be a lifetime to learn more about the child and such possibly. " 

"Yes exactly." Hermione exclaimed, " So what about the rest 2 torn maybe they was two children but why torn." 

" Seperated?" Theo interjected. 

" Could be." Hermione mused, " One burned why one burned though? Was they an accident did a child die or is it a metaphor?" Hermione frowned puzzled. 

"But why would my mother say all of this stuff in a message to me with an necklace after she passed? I have no siblings and my parents never ever mentioned any other children. My father is always distant with me so if they was a hidden sibling I can't imagine he would even know or be bothered. It doesn't make sense." 

Hermione was as confused as Theo was. "Maybe she was trying to tell you that you had a sibling but that they maybe died or were kidnapped." She suggested. 

"Why wouldn't they have mentioned it though? It doesn't make sense." Theo said. 

"Why don't I try a spell on the necklace and see if it's charmed?" Hermione asked.

All Theo did was nod in response. Hermione cast the spell still at a safe distance. The necklace glowed for a second before stopping then doing the same thing over again. 

"They is a spell on it that's why it flashed twice I'm going to to do a diagnostics spell." 

Hermione preformed the spell and paled considerable so much so Theo stepped closer in concern. She couldn't believe what she had just found out. The spell that was placed on the necklace was meant to help Theo find his sibling. 

"Hermione what's wrong?" He added concerned.

"It's erm the spell its to locate er no I mean help you find your sibling. The riddle it means that y-you have a sibling." 

Theo was shocked to say the least if what she was saying was true then the way that the spell reacted meant that Hermione was his sibling. 

Hermione was already under loads of emotional stress with her parents and now she had just found out that her parents were not actually her parents. Hermione couldn't take it anymore. The war was still effecting her. She still woke up screaming clutching her mudblood scar. Hermione would still cry over the deaths of her friends. 

The stress was too much. The pain was too much. The confusion was too much. It was all too much. 

Theo couldn't believe it. He had always wanted a sibling. He had grew up for the most part with his cold hearted death eater father. The same father who was currently serving a very long stint in Askaban along with Luscius Malfoy. The few year that Theo had with his mother were the best, she was the only one who cared. 

When his mother had died it had torn him apart and he was left a shell of himself. When he went to Hogwarts he finally started to become more like himself again with the help of his friends. Theo didn't really have much involvement in the war. His father had wanted his son to become a death eater but luckily he got out of it. 

From what Draco had told him of the war Theo was glad he didn't have much involvement in it. When Voldermort had took over Hogwarts Theo had managed to get away and into hiding. He had knew a little about Hermione as she was part of the famous golden trio and he did have some classes with her. 

She was a big part of the war. Theo was there when when Hermione had punched Draco in the face so he knows how strong and fierce she can be. He didn't know much about what happened at the manor he had just heard from Draco that some nasty shit had gone down involving Hermione. 

Hermione had always wanted siblings but she had never wanted it like this not now. It as all too much. Hermiones body shut itself down. She was pale and felt as if she couldn't move. That's when her body hit the floor. 

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