Santa baby

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Merry Christmas everyone :) Hope you enjoy,

"Hermione you have to do it." Harry said.

"Yeah come on Mione you have to it was a dare." Ron pleaded.

"I hope you are happy I certainly am not. I wish I never agreed to this why did I let you drag me into betting. I mean me betting what on earth was in the butter beer. I will wear it because I'm true to my word but God help you Harry James Potter and Ronald Billius Weasly if I find a smidgen of foul play on either of your parts!" Hermione retorted in her strict bossy tone.

With a gulp both boys replied, " Yes Hermione." 

Ginny over looked the affair with a laugh as she dragged Hermione to the girls dorms. It was time for her to get her costume on. The redhead presented Hermione with a surprisingly good Mrs Claus outfit on which she had to wear for a whole 24hour period as per the rules of the bet. The outfit consisted of a red velvet dress with white trim and a matching cape. There was black tights and black boots with gold buckles too. With a twinkle in her eye Ginny left Hermione too it.

When she came out of the room the whole of the Gryffindor common room erupted into cheers and laughter simultaneously. Hermione hated to be the centre of attention and turned bright red at everyone's shouts and stares. 

Great the whole of the house knew about her loosing a bet. 

The rest of the day went painfully slow for Hermione. Good job it was the holidays and not many students were actually at Hogwarts. She would die if she had to wear this on a normal school day she would rather that than get expelled for incorrect uniform. At least Harry and Ron had been nice to her in that respect. 

Of course those staying at Hogwarts consisted of Slytherin Prince Draco Malfoy. He was staying out of the way of the manor this year and was enjoying time to himself without Pansy clinging to his arm. He also enjoyed being able to have time to think without dumb friends like Crabbe. Everything was perfect about his day until he saw her. 

She was dressed up as what looked like Santa Claus and of course Draco knew of Santa Claus but wizards and witches didn't believe he was actually real it was mainly a muggle tradition. He had never seen Hermione express the muggle tradition of Santa. He was baffled at the costume. Admittedly it was nice but he was so confused. Hermione was bullied constantly for silly muggle beliefs so why wear something that she would get slated in?

He had to find out so when he caught Hermione walking down the corridor he cornered her. Nobody else was down the corridor so they were alone and she was without her little lost boy buddies. 

"Hello Granger." 

"Erm yes hello Malfoy. Can you please move I'm busy." 

" Well not at the moment no. I was curious why the outfit?" 

Hermione's face turned red, she knew going into the bet was a bad idea she knew as soon as she put the suit on that something was gonna happen. Of course that something had to be Draco Malfoy. Why didn't she just decided to curl up in her bed all day that would have still counted right?

Her face turned bright red as she stuttered, "What?"

"Come on Granger I know it's a Santa costume I'm not stupid." 

"It's actually Mrs Claus." 

" Well whatever why are you wearing it?" He said impatiently.

"Just am now are we done with this conversation I have places to be?" She tried to move passed him but he grabbed her wrist. 

"No I want to know why you would paint yourself a bigger target as a muggleborn by wearing this." 

"It was a bet Malfoy now can I please go?!" She glowered.

Hermione managed to get out of his grasp but an invisible force stop her going any further. She turned I raged at Draco to find him in a similar situation. He looked utterly confused. That was until they both looked up. 

Mistletoe, not just any mistletoe but enchanted mistletoe.

They would have to kiss!

"Oh for the love of..!" Hermione face palmed, " Why is it always me? Why?" 

"Erm excuse you I'm here as well, I'm not pleased either!" Draco said dramatically hands waving wildly at his sides.

" Let's get this over with." Hermione sighed in defeat.

Hermione couldn't believe it she had already lost a bet and now she had to kiss Malfoy. Draco wasn't exactly thrilled either but surprisingly not so angry as Hermione. Draco lent down and pressed a kiss to Hermione's cheek and the invisible barrier fell. With one last stare they both ran off red faced questioning all of their life choices.

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