Christmas in the heads dorm

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Merry Christmas everyone:) Hope you enjoy,

Hermione couldn't believe it when she went back to Hogwarts after the war and Draco and her were made the heads. Never in a million years did she think that Draco Malfoy would bother coming back to the school saying as he didn't even want to be their his last year. Hermione wasn't sure what to make of it all really and either did Draco.

Draco had came back to Hogwarts as he needed an escape he couldn't even relax at home without being harassed. He was forced into being a death eater. Yes at first he wanted it but he was a brainwashed idiot at the time. He soon hated himself for the mark on his arm. He came back to Hogwarts for an escape very much like Hermione. She wanted a break too as when she was home she was always filled with guilt. Her parents were back but she knew they would never be the same and it hurt her deeply. It was her fault after all.

Hogwarts was always their home.

At first Draco hadn't been very nice to Hermione he often snapped at her and she did him. The tension was very high and still are. The topic of the war was a no go and the word mudblood was never mentioned. The toll of the war was heavy on them both and the longer they lived alongside each other the more they began to appreciate each other. For example on days Hermione knew Draco would find hard she left him some chocolate and he did the same for her. 

Nearing Christmas was particularly hard for them both. Hermione always felt the most guilty near Christmas as she could remember all of her childhood Christmas' with her parents. One of her favourites was when her mother tripped over the bag of wrapping paper and almost squashed the family dog. She laughed so hard that she could scarcely breath that Christmas. Draco had a hard time on Christmas as he would look back and remember the love in his mothers eyes and the hatred in his fathers. 

Christmas Eve saw them both sat on the sofas in the dorm drinking hot chocolate and staring in to space. 

"Doing anything tomorrow?" Hermione asked

"No why the hell would I be?!" Draco snapped

"Wanna open our gifts together?" She replied softly not blaming Draco for being upset at this time of the year.

He was surprised that Hermione was even bothering with him. He knew that he was in a foul mood. All he could do was nod before she ran up to her room. 

It was around midnight when he swore he heard someone crying but at this point he couldn't tell who's tears where who's after the war. Once he finally got to sleep he was out like a light thankfully without the usual nightmares.

It was all quiet when he woke to the point he believed someone may have smothered Hermione in her sleep. She was always up first and making as much noise as possible to annoy him. Cautiously he made his way down the stairs and was surprised at what he saw. 

Hermione had woken up early like always and did what she always did on Christmas she went down to the tree. She didn't open her gifts though because she always waited for her family. The thought of family shot a spike through her heart. She shouldn't have been selfish and came to Hogwarts after finally getting her parents back but they wanted her to come and she needed an escape from the nagging guilt. 

When she heard Draco's footsteps she got excited for some reason. It felt like she was waiting to surprise him and in some respects she was. Hermione knew that Draco was likely to not get as many gifts as her due to his role in the war. From what she has heard he defiantly doesn't have a healthy relationship with his father. She imagined he would get a gift of his mother but not many more. Yes that's right she got him a present. It was only small but hopeful it cheered him up a bit. 

Draco rubbed his eyes when he entered not believe that Hermione had waited for him to open gifts. Numbly he went over and sat beside her on the carpet in front of the tree. The lights glistened as Hermione got out the gifts for them both.

"Merry Christmas Draco." 

"Merry Christmas Hermione." 

Both smiled at the bridge they had begun to built as they tore into gifts. 

Draco had also got Hermione a gift and both were surprised at one another. The rest of the holiday was amazing and the start of what some might call a friendship.

Maybe being heads wasn't as bad as they originally thought it would be.

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