Potions accident (concerned Draco.)

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 Draco and Hermione had never been friends nowhere even close. They had always been enemies not even trying to be friends with each other. But after coming back to Hogwarts after the war when Hogwarts was rebuilt that had changed.

It had been rocky at the start which was understandable after hating each other for years Hermione and Draco didn't really know how to react when they were head girl and boy. They had to share a common room and a bathroom and their bedrooms were only next door to each other. However despite this the 'm' word hadn't been said and either had ferret which was a good start.

Ron and Harry had gone to train to be auroras and Ginny had been accepted with the Holyhead Harpies. So that left Hermione with pretty much no friends when she went back as head girl. Draco had basically no friends either as they all decided to stay away as they or their parents had been death eaters. Draco came back though because it wasn't really his fault he got forced to be a death eater.

Without any friends the two became closer but neither dared to admit it until on Christmas day when they got each other gifts and said they were friends. After Christmas everyone knew Hermione and Draco were friends the whole wizarding world did. Their friends had things to say about it but it  didn't stop them. It was nice to know they could come together as friends after such a tragic event.

Draco and Hermione had every lesson together as it was part of the house unity between Gryffindor and Slytherin scheme which Draco and Hermione didn't mind. Usually Draco and Hermione would partner up in class and because they are both smart they would get even better grades.

It was potions class and unlike normal Hermione wasn't partnered up with Draco which she found odd but decided to ignore and that it was just to change things up a little bit. Hermione didn't really know her partner she only knew that she were a transfer student so nobody really knew anything about her. They seemed to be working well on the potion so Hermione wasn't too bothered as long as she got a good grade out of it. Draco was working with a Gryffindor girl that he didn't know but had seen a few times. He was annoyed that he didn't get to be with Hermione especially as this Gryffindor didn't have half the wits of Hermione.

As part of the class they had to test the potions that they had brewed in partners. Draco let the Gryffindor girl taste it luckily it worked perfectly thanks to him. Hermione watched as Draco's potion was tested and whilst everyone watched the other groups test their potions in turn nobody saw Hermione's partner pour something into there potion!

Hermione and her partner were the last in the class to do the tasting they had agreed that Hermione would taste it so that is what she did. Hermione took the vial to her lips a took a sip. Immediately Hermione felt different she felt like she was going to die. It started with a searing pain in her stomach then a whistling in her ears. Her eyes then started to cloud and her face turned pale.

Through the whole thing everyone was wondering what was wrong with Hermione especially Draco. Draco went to stand beside Hermione worry plastered on his face.

"Hermione.....what's wrong Mione?!" 

That's when Hermione's body gave up and she collapsed  whilst clutching her stomach and wincing. Draco quickly caught her and cradled her in his arms like a young child. That's when he notice the look on the girls face that Hermione had been working with she was smirking.

"What have you done to her?!" Draco said angrily.

"Who me well I just got my revenge on the mudblood here."

"What did you do to her?!"

"Poisoned her for going out with Viktor when he came to the tri wizarding tournament."

"That was ages ago you daft idiot!"

Luckily the professor stepped in before  anything else could happen  and grabbed hold of the Viktor loving idiot ,sent for Madam Pomphrey and then took the poisoner to the ministry. All whilst Draco was still holding a whimpering Hermione in his arms. The rest of the class was dismissed as soon as Madam Pomphrey arrived who ushered them out. 

"Miss Granger stay away for me if you can we don't want you passing out again ok?"

Hermione nodded meekly as Madam Pomfrey set to work with checking all of her vitals all while Draco held her in his arms. 

"Miss Granger I have checked you vitals your heart rate is a bit higher than normal but that is probably because of the shock. Your pulse is fine, breathing a bit over normal but that is to be expected. Now tell me how you feel."

"M...my stomach really hurts like I'm getting stabbed the ringing in my ears has stopped though eyes are a bit hazy still and I'm a bit dizzy." 

Draco listened to her and watch as Madam Pomfrey carefully pulled her off his lap to take a better look at her stomach. He was worried really worried he probably looked like death he was so pale with worry. He didn't like seeing Hermione like this he never really liked seeing her hurt even before they were friends. She had been hurt so many times in second year she was petrified, in third she was hurt helping Sirius and then during the Horcrux hunting she was tortured in front of him. Oh how he wanted to pull his aunt of her that day in the manor. 

"OK miss Granger it looks like you will be ok they is no permanent damage you will be a bit uncomfortable with stomach pains for a few days maybe a bit feverish. Don't worry this will be dealt with accordantly and your poisoner will be punished. Now Draco I need you to take Miss Granger back to her room and look after her. They will be no classes for either of you until Miss Granger heals ok?"

"B-but I like classes." Hermione huffed but quickly stopped and winced.

Draco was relieved that Hermione was ok well not ok but not dying which was good. He was fine with not having any classes in fact he would never come back to school again if Hermione needed him too. He would do pretty much anything for her. 

As soon as Madam Pomfrey had left Draco gently lifted Hermione in his arms and started to walk down the corridors of Hogwarts towards their common room. He liked looking after he after all he did love her even if she didn't fully know that yet.

"You are going to be alright ok Hermione I would never let anything happen to you ever again." He whispered in her ear as she fell asleep in his arms.

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