Quidditch Casualty (badass Hermione)

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Read this whilst listening to 'Whatever doesn't kill you' by Kelly Clarkson.

"It is the game of the season we have all been waiting for the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin!" the announcer boamed.

Hermione was in the stands watching her friends Harry Potter, Ron and Ginny Wesley fight to win the game.

Ron was doing an excellent job as keeper and didn't let a single quaffle bast him much to the despare of the Slytherins.

Suddenly Harry and Draco raced across the pitch.

"The snitch has been spotted!"

Draco was nearing the snitch when suddenly he was hit off his broom by a buldger. Everyone watched in horror as he fell to the floor with a sickly crack. He couldn't be saved from the plummet.

Harry managed to catch the snitch and everyone cheered and screamed.

"Harry Potter has caught the snitch and it looks like Slytherin seeker Draco Malfoy may be needed a trip to the infirmary!"

Hermione looked down at Draco and nobody was helping him what so ever so she made her way down from the stands and onto the pitch towards Draco.

" Gryffindor wins! "

Another chear sounded as players made their way off the pitch. Everyone seemed to forget about Draco. They were probably still mad at him about the whole deatheater thing.

Hermione was standing over Draco's unconscious body. Teachers started to make their way over as Hermione muttered healing spells upon Draco.

Blaise, Theo and Pansy were trying to make their way over but were stopped by the teachers.

"Draco? Wake up." Hermione said to him.

Slowly his eyes fluttered open.

"G-Granger." the he croaked, "W-what happened?"

"You fell of your broom during the quidditch match."

Madam pomfrey was now next to Draco and Hermione.

"Miss Granger will you help me with Mr Malfoy please."

"Certainly Madam Pomfrey. Wingadium leviosa." she said with a 'swish and a flick' of her wand.

Hermione levatated Draco to the hospital Wing and placed him on the nearest bed gently.

"Thank you dear."

"No problem. Do you any more help?"

"Yes I need to attend to the other casualties of the game so could you look after Mr Malfoy and treat some of his wounds."


Hermione set to work and muttered more healing spells so that Draco wouldn't be in any pain and to stop any bleeding.

Hermione suspected Draco had broken his right arm. So she careful went over to it.

"Draco I think you have broken your right arm try and move it please." he did at he was told but scowled as he attempted to move the arm.

Hermione pointed her wand to his arm and muttered a spell so she could see the Skelton of his arm. His arm was out of place luckily she new how to reset it and bandage it.

" Your bone has popped out of place so I will have to put it back in and I'm not going to lie it hurts really bad so I'm super duper sorry but it has to be done."

Before Draco could react Hermione grabbed his arm and crack the bone back into place. This made Draco scream in pain. Quickly Hermione said a spell and the pain was gone.

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