Truth or Dare

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Read this whilst listening to 'Trouble' by Taylor Swift.

Somehow Hermione had gotten herself roped into a game of truth and dare with her friends (Harry, Ron and Ginny) and the Slytherins more specifically Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott and Draco Malfoy. They were playing in the room of requirement apparently it was to bond together because otherwise Mrs. McGonagall would be on their backs for not trying the whole house unity idea.

They room of requirement had changed itself into a comfortable room with sofa three three-seater sofas surrounding a warm fire. They all sat on the sofas but unfortunately one of the Gryffindor's would end up sitting with the Slytherins and that Gryffindor was Hermione. She was sat on a sofa with Blaise Zanbini at one end and Draco Malfoy in the middle right next to her. This made Hermione very uncomfortable because Draco had bullied her for their whole time at Hogwarts calling her horrible names like 'mudblood' and 'bookworm'.

"OK so I will start off the game...." Ginny announced to the room," Zabini truth or dare?"

Blaise was surprised that she hadn't asked one of her friends but admired her bravery. He thought about it for a second before announcing, "Truth."

"Wow so brave mate." Draco said sarcastically.

"Well it is brave red could ask me anything!"

"Did you just call her red?" Hermione asked peering over Draco to look at Blaise.


"I'm going to have to use that one now I'm sorry Gin." Hermione giggled.

"Ok can we get back to this now?" Harry asked.

"Yes, so hmm Zabini is it true that the sorting hat wanted to put you in Ravenclaw, but you asked to be in Slytherin?" Ginny asked Blaise handing him a drop of Veritaserum (truth serum)

"Yes, it's true." Blaise replied which resulted in a lot of shock faces especially from Draco.

Blaise wasted no time in continuing the game as to not dwell on just happened," Potter truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Harry said bravely.

"I dare you to kiss Weaslbee." Blaise said this shocked all of the Gryffindor's present in the room however all the Slytherins just laughed and found it highly amusing.

"Ok then." Harry turned to his right on the sofa and saw a horrified Ron who thought his was going to get kissed on the lips by his best friend of 7 years Harry Potter. Instead Harry very quickly kissed Ron on the cheek and turned bright red in embarrassment whilst Ron let out a sigh of relief.

Draco, Pansy, Theo and Blaise just looked at each other in confusion then Draco spoke up, "He meant kiss him on the lips Potter."

"Well he didn't exactly say that did he?" Harry said rhetorically then continued with the game an asked "Nott truth or dare?"

"Truth." Theo said gulping down some truth serum.

"If you had to go out with someone in this room romantically who would it be?"

Theo's face went red in embarrassment and it didn't help that he was sitting right next to the one he fancied.

"Pansy." He squeaked then hid his face.

Pansy was in shock she looked between Theo and the rest of the room trying to contemplate what had just happened.

"Harry that wasn't very nice what if someone had done that to you?" Hermione asked Harry to which everyone was surprised she was sticking up for Theodore Nott a Slytherin.

"Why are you sticking up for a Slytherin?!" Ron asked angrily.

"Oh, do hush up Ronald if you have not realized we are here for house unity and also I can do what I want to!" Hermione said sternly which definitely shut up Ron.

"Yes Ronald" Draco said mimicking Hermione's voice which made everyone except Ron laugh.

"Shut up Malfoy." Ron muttered.

The game continued with people being dared to kiss the others in the room or say who their crush was or who they admired. They had been playing for around half an hour when Pansy asked Hermione something she thought nobody would have asked her....

"Why do you study so hard to be the brightest witch of your age?"

It was clear to the whole room that what Pansy had just said had struck a nerve fear was literally written all over Hermione's face this was something she didn't want to share at all. She held the bottle of Veritaserum in her hand.

"Ok before I take the serum just want you to know that you better not tell anyone about this because I have never told anyone this ever and if you do tell someone I will find and hex you." Hermione said whilst taking all of her Gryffindor courage to take the serum.

Everyone watched her wondering what was so secret about this she could feel all eyes on her, but she let the serum take over and help her give her answer to Pansy's question.

"I study allot and push myself in class so I can prove myself."

"Why?" Everyone asked and she had to answer because she was still under the serum.

"Because when I was born prematurely which means I was born a few weeks before I was due in my case 7 weeks earlier. Which meant I struggled allot at my muggle primary school and it took me longer to understand things the other kids could like it took me 3 weeks to learn the alphabet, but I always tried so that the other kids would stop picking on me. It took a whilst but as I got older I pushed myself more and soon I was at the same level as everyone else but I didn't stop their I continued to learn things the other kids didn't know but then I got bullied for that too so." Hermione finished eyes clearly glistening with tears threatening to spill she glanced around the room quickly to see everyone in shock.

Hermione took a breath to compose herself then turned to Draco and said, "Truth or dare?"

"So, are we just going to skip over the fact of what you just told everyone?" In response he got a death glare from Hermione, so he decided to leave it and picked truth. He was kind of worried because he had tormented Hermione for years and had stood aside whilst his evil aunty tortured her so she could ask him anything.

"Why do you hate me?"

He was shocked at first, but he had already taken the serum so was dreading what he was going to say.

"I don't hate you."

"Ok now I'm confused so why bully me then?" Everyone around the room was staring at Draco especially the Slytherins who were surprised with what Draco was saying.

"Because I fancy you."

Hermione was dumfounded she was sure she had heard him wrong but a quick look around the room confirmed that he had defiantly said what she thought he had. The serum had worn off now and Draco was completely embarrassed and hid his face in his hands.

Ignoring the whole room full of people Hermione moved Draco's hands away from his face and smiled at him, "Me too I have always fancied you." Draco was completely shocked but had no time to react because Hermione had already connected her lips to his.

Everyone in the room gasped and looked completed shocked at the two enemies kissing apart from Ginny who shouted at the top of her lungs, "FINALLY!"

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