Two Lines

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Ok, Betty breathe.... in and out in and out just flip it over you'll be fine. I CANT DO THIS. Ok ok ok you have Jug and V and Kev,Arch and FP and the serpents. Ok for real...3.2.1.

Betty's been off for a about a week I don't know what's wrong and every time I ask what's wrong she says she's fine or "Jug stop". I just want my baby to be ok🙂 she came out of the bathroom and looked as white as a ghost.
"Betts are you ok? Your so pale!" "Yea...uhh I just need to lay down" "want me to lay with you and hold you baby?" She just bursted out crying, what's happening to Betty? "Betts what's wrong come on sweetie tell me" " I can't you''ll l-leave me" "I would never leave you ever Betts your my forever"

Ok here we go I'm telling Jug
"I'm pregnant"
I looked at him and he had the biggest smile on his face.
"BETTS THIS IS AMAZING" "really?" "Of course baby I love you so much I know were young but I wouldn't want it any other way!" "Oh juggy I love you" "I love you betts and little bug" he put his hand on my flat tummy and rubbed it, it was so cute.

TODAY WE FIND THE GENDER YESSSS!!!! I feel like a little kid I'm so excited. My dad wasn't the greatest when I was growing up and my mom left with my sister so when Betts brings this little sunshine into the world I promise I'll be the greatest dad ever that baby is going to have the most loving parents ever. I was ready and sitting on the bed when Betts walked out in a pink top and plain leggings and her little baby bump she looked so cute.
"You ready Betts?" "Yessss!!, I just wanna know what we're having" she stood in front of the mirror and rubbed her belly, I went behind her and put my hands on her belly. "Betts I promise if we have a daughter or a son I will always be there for you and our child I love you both so much" "awe juggy your gonna make me cry!" "Let's go find out the gender baby😘"

We arrived at the doctors office and we waited 10 mins then the doc called "Betty Cooper?" "Me" we walked into the room and jug helped me onto the bed. "Ok Betty can you please lift your shirt and I'll put on the gel but careful it's cold" I lifted my shirt and yep it was cold. "Ok your baby is very healthy, do you want to know the gender?" Jug basically screamed "YES!!" "Ok jug calm down baby" "sorry" "well Betty and Jug you are having a baby boy" I started to cry and jug just kissed me hard.

Betty is 9 months pregnant and she is very big but I never tell her I always tell her she looks beautiful and is carrying a life. We were watching tv when she started to grab my shirt tightly.
"Betty are you ok?" "Yea jug just a cramp I need to walk around" she got up and walked around the kitchen and living room up the stairs and back down, she came and sat back beside me "better?" I asked "kinda" she said quietly. 20 minutes passed and she grabbed her stomach in pain she screamed out in pain "BETTY BREATHE" she wanted to stand so I helped her up and as soon as she stood up liquid poured out of her. "J-jug" she said with tears, I just picked her up and the hospital bag and ran to the truck I buckled her in and sped to the hospital.

It all happened so fast. Just like in the movies. One minute my water breaks the next jugs speeding telling me to breathe and now I'm pushing out our son. " ok Betty pushhh" "I CANT" "Betty baby come on you can do it!" "HES HERE" "baby he's beautiful" the tears just poured outta me I looked up at jug and he was crying too. It was a few hours later and we got him a name- Michael Alex Jones I was sleeping and I could hear jug talking to Michael "hey baby boy I'm your daddy, I love you so so so much you mean the world to me and mommy she was so scared when she found out about you but I was confident and happy. You make me so happy even tho just a few hours again you were still in mommy. I promise to be the best dad ever son I love you Michael." I started to cry he's so cute❤️ my boys forever.

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