The crash

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I'm 25 and I'm a nurse at the hospital riverdale general. It was around midnight when I finished my shift, I said goodbye to the other nurses and got in my car. I was exhausted I just wanted to go to sleep and cuddle with Juggie. I was driving down the highway when my eyes started to close, I kept jerking and tried to keep them open but one second later they were closed and a second later my car was flipped in the ditch and I heard an ear piercing ring and opened my eyes to see blood stained glass. And that's when the fear hit me. I'm gonna die.

Bettys work is only 10 mins away from our house it's 12:30 and Betty should be home by now but she hasn't shown yet. Our baby boy Fred Jr was just settled in bed when I looked out the window and saw 3 ambulances and 2 fire trucks and my dad in his sheriffs car pulled in the driveway and jelly ran out and up to the door.
"Jug go with dad it's Betty, I'll watch Fred just go!" "Wait what. W-what happened to Betty?" "Jug goooo"
A million thoughts ran through my head but I ran to the car with my dad and we drove to the highway when I asked the question.
"Dad what happened? Where my betts?" "Oh jug she got in an accident I'm so sorry she's gonna be just fine"
We got to the scene and saw her car flipped in the ditch. I ran over to her despite the police pulling me back I made it to her and talked to her.

I turned my head and jug was right at my window.
"Betts! Oh honey are you ok?!" "Jug help!!!" I scream and cry I can't feel my leg at all I'm so scared. "HEY HELP HER SHE NEEDS HELP"
I saw FP and paramedics come running and my eyes close again. When I wake up I'm in the hospital juggies asleep in a chair and FPS in the other I pick up the blanket and only see one leg and I scream and cry.
"BETTS! BABY WHATS WRONG?!" "MY LEG MY LEGS GONE JUG" "baby calm down please" "j-jug my legs g-gone" a nurse comes running in and calms me down and gives me some meds.
A few weeks later I've been doing physical therapy and been coping with one leg but jug and Fred jr and fp are always here for me.

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