○ Separations ●

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((SIKE--I'm writing this chapter today too.  Lmao Cuz' I have nothing to do right now. I'm changing up my writing soOOoOO ENJOY LOVELIES!!))

//continuation of flashback//

Midoriya's POV:
My head was spinning and it felt like someone hit my head with a metal bat. D E K U, D E K U, D E K U, was all I was hearing. My eyes managed to catch a glimpse but just by that nickname I knew who it was..Kacchan. I never saw him cry out for me like this, not ever. It seemed he was covered by..BLOOD!? It must have been mine, I don't remember what happened next since I blacked out.

Katsuki POV:
YOU FUCKING IDIOT KATSUKI BAKUGO!! YOU GOT HIM A L M O S T KILLED!!! Thoes thoughts kept yelling at me as I held Deku close to me. I've been trembling for a good while but I knew he was alive from his heavy breathing. I knew my two idiots called someone for help when I jumped out of the window. And soon enough I heard a feminine scream and some ambulance sirens. When I looked up it was Auntie Inko with some police men, it seemed like she had the most frightened expression. The police had forcibly grabbed me away from deku but I shouted "NO! LET ME GO! DEKUUU!" The policeman had strictly told me "Only family kid--and we were told Izuku Midoriya didn't have FRIENDS" That last word..it hit me hard, I was the damn douche bag who crossed the line and pushed Deku to the point of attempt this SHIT! So I let them drag me away from inko and the paramedics rushing Deku to the hospital. I didn't feel the same after they tossed me out of the "crime scene". My two idiots rushed over to me and asked if I was okay. But I TRULY wasn't , but what I had just experienced, that expression Deku gave me..the words he said..I won't forget them. The policemen interrogated me before I was allowed to go home. I slowly opened the door and my old hag was about to yell at me but she noticed what I was covered with. My old ha---mom, rushed over to me and cupped my face asking,"Katsuki! What happened? Are you okay?" I never saw her worried like this..but I wasn't going to say much. My mom hurried me over to the bathroom when she noticed the tears forming in my eyes. For around a good 30 minutes I had cried my eyes out in SILENCE. She then asked, "Katsuki..what happened? You can talk to me.." and she placed her hand on my shoulder. I had only enough energy to say "You'll find out soon.." She didn't say anything after that and left me alone to cope with myself.

*1 hour later brought to you by ME*

Inko POV:
"OH LORD, MY SWEET IZUKU! Please for the love of earth be okay!" I told myself. I didn't know what my poor Izuku was going through..I felt just plain terrible for not being there. I hated just waiting here on a seat and do nothing! I got up from my seat and paced around the room helplessly and waiting for the doctors to tell me something! Anything! I fidget with my fingers as my heart was beating fast for my age. Not until one of the doctors had stopped me and told me to calm down. He said, "Ma'am, I have news about your son--"I cut him off "Yes--please tell me doctor! Is he going to make it!" I clenched onto his arms. The doctor sighed "Yes ma'am. He is going to survive but---" I had cut him again and happily cried and looked down. But the doc added "But he had a bit of damage in the temporal lobe, which may cause him to have lashes of different emotions. So he won't be exactly the same." I shook my head "It doesn't matter as long as my baby is alive!" He made me sit down and calm myself before telling me,"You'll be able to see him tomorrow morning so go home and rest up." I just nodded and thanked him some more.

//flash back ends//

Midoriya sighed and looked directly at no one, "So that happened." he tapped his foot on the ground "I'm not a fan of small dark rooms and I bet you're wondering why I'm hand cuffed in the first place---" he smirked "You'll figure it out soon my friend, just be patient--" But a door opened, catching his attention. "Oh my. Mister Aizawa, how are you?" Midoriya chuckled a bit and layed back on his cold seat.
Aizawa sighed and sat down on the other side and crossed his arms, "Midoriya, you need to start cooperating with me so we can get you out of here. I know you didn't do it so why act like it?" He narrowed his eyes. Midoriya tensed a bit and looked away,"It's hard to explain mister Aizawa.." He butted in "Then explain everything just like you were talking to them", then pointed directly at no one. "Come on Midoriya, I know you're a good kid at heart. So why act!" Aizawa slammed is hands on the table. Midoriya mumbled "Alright then--the next day--"

//2 years ago continuing from flash back//

Midoriya's POV:
My mind was hurting but not as much like yesterday, I finally had my vision back but to see my mom holding my hand tightly while she slept on a chair besides the bed. "I'm sorry mom.." I whispered so I wouldn't wake her. I let out a big sigh while I looked outside the window..window, I barely realized why I was here in the first place. I jumped or fell from the window...Kacchan was yelling out my name. "So, I guess he did try to stop me from falling...but HE bullied me for years..." I thought to myself. I had clenched my fists since that woke my mom awake.
She woke up with the happiest and relieved look on her face. "IZUKU!!" she hugged me as if it was her last. I tried to hug back but my arms were weak,"I-I'm sorry mom. . .I'm so sorry." I whispered out while my eyes began to overwhelm with tears like her's were. She put her hand behind my head and trembled out,"No. .no my dear Izuku. .don't apologize, I'm the one who had failed to see what was going on. ." she sniffed. "I just want you home. .I swear I won't let that horrible Katsuki get to you again"
I blinked a bit,"Kacchan. .but he-" she had cut me off "No! He doesnt not deserve that nickname, do not mention his name. We will move you to another middle school-" I spoke up,"B-But what about auntie mitsuki? She didn't do anything wrong-" that must have caused her to stop. My mom let go of me and rubbed her arms,"I know she didn't know either..I'll keep in touch with her. But we must move Izuku. .I don't want you hurt EVER again. "

After a few months, we left but we were still around the area. My mom had been overprotective of me as I continued on with my dream of becoming a hero even if I don't have a quirk. Towards the end of my middle school year, I signed up to enter UA even if I got laughed at for it. People were still mean but not as bad as my old one. The last day I decided to walk home alone and give myself some space to think of what to do with the future.

Katsuki POV:
I had my hands shoved in my pockets while I walked ahead of my friends. They continued to pester me why I wasn't talking as much before the accident. I spaced out from the noises while I walked down an alley way on my way to a hang out place. But I felt something wrong...my friends shouted for me but it was too late. I looked up and saw a sludge monster infront of me with a sinister grin. . ."Wha-" was all I said before I was engulfed by that monster... It felt like I was suffocating but I tried my best to get myself free from its grasp. "GAH!! LET ME GO, YOU BASTURD!!" I shouted but it wouldn't listen so it heads for a more public place to cause destruction and me as their hostage. I gasp as it hurts to breathe, "S-someone. . .anyone. ." I teared up a bit in fright "H E L P"

((AAAAAnd there we go, my second chapter qwq hope ya like it cuz it took me a lil longer to write BUT HOPE TO SEE YALL LATER LOVELIES AGAIN!! BYE))

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