☆finally feel...Happy☆

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Midoriya's POV:
My mom drags me all the way to our home. The home I've been missing these past 2 years, it was just like the day I left. "Come on Izuku! Let's donate some of your old clothes and get you new ones!" She grabs both of my hands and pulls me inside, "Uwah!?" I gasp but smile to see how lovely the house has become, "You like the flowers and plants I have around the house? They reminded me of you, lil sprouts that bloom into something amazing.." I feel my heart skip in delight to hear my mom say thoes comforting words, "Mom.." then I pick her up during the hug "How did I get an amazing mom." I whispers while she hugs me back. After that whole soft huggo session, I put her back done just to get dragged into my room. "It's been almost impossible for me not to touch anything since I know how you like your room--" she says but I was busy taking in my old room, I gently touch posters and figurines i have. "Well I let you be, while I water my plants!" She exlaims and heads off to get her watering can.
      I sit down on my bed, which surprisingly still would be able to support my height and weight. "Heh..the next number one hero..with a disorder--" I look at my fist and clench it, "but I'm not going to let that stop me." then nod before heading towards my closet. I open the door to reveal all my old clothes, then I sigh, "I hope at least some fit" I dug into my clothes, pulling out the ones that may not fit me. After around 45 mins; I look at my closet which only had around 5 shirts and 3 pants, 2 shorts--damn. I turn my head to my mirror before taking off my shirt, pinching my skin. "I have grown--is that bad?" I ask myself. I begin to take off my pants till I hear the door open. "Midoriya--" ThaT VoIcE, I round house kick the door closed and shout, "Mom! What the heck is TODOROKI Doing here!?" I didn't even hear a knock or the bell ring! I seriously didn't want to see his damn face. My mom on the other side of the door spoke, "a-ah I forgot to tell you--" Then Todoroki buds in, "Its okay Ms. Midoriya. " he knocks on the door, "Midoriya, I came here to apologize for having you waste 2 years. And not being able to take my emotions properly that day. I know I was the--uhm--douche bag who was part of it, I don't expect forgiveness but even if I didn't visit to explain myself. I just wanted to get this off my chest." Are you kidding me!? I pull up my pants and open the door with an angry expression, only to see todoroki looking away. "2 damn years! Todoroki!" I grab his collor. "Huh!? Izuku calm down!" My mom panics. I grip tighter but--I can't hold grudges so I let go with a sigh, "Todoroki-kun" I mumble. He turns his head towards me but I quickly deTroIT smACK him leaving a red mark and a long pause, "I won't forget but I will forgive. " He turns to me again, "W-wait. Really?" His eyes were a lil wide. "Yes now go before I change my mind!" I cross my arms with an irritated tone. "O-oh okay." he bows at me and my mind, "Thank you and see you later then." he stands up and hurries his way out. I groan and look at my mom who was just smiling, but I know what she is thinking, 'you did great dealing with it'. I pat my mom's head before heading back inside my room.
- - - - - - - - - the next few days - - - - - - - - -
Me and my mom had went off and donated the clothes that didn't fit me. My mom has been excited since Saturday was coming along, I was a poor victim of her shopping spree. But I can't lie that I enjoyed myself, spending time with her again. I never thought I would feel happy after all that time being consumed by Anger and Misery. Then she even bought me a nice floral suit for the celebration.
       Heh, I began to feel nervous cuz I forgot how everyone acted and maybe looked in Class 1A. Since allmight told me it was almost the end of the school year for them. I didn't need to make up anything, I was about to faint when he told me. So sadly I wasn't in the roster either. Anyway, Kacchan was still in recovery at home, or that's what Auntie said. I can't wait to see how Kacchan was doing, I had butterflies in my stomach but also lots of love to give Kacchan when I see him on Saturday.

☆SATURDAY morning☆
Inko's POV:
     Today is the daaaaay!! I try not to squeal while I get off my bed and look at myself in the mirror, "You look good as ever!" I compliment myself as I then brush my hair. I didn't even notice I was talking to myself, "Eeeee!! I can't wait to see how Katsuki looks like in the matching dress Mitsuki bought him " now that I think of it, I forget if Katsuki even wears dresses. Huh--I guess it's a surprise for both of us. "It's only 7 am, I let my Izuku sleep in a bit more." as I head into the bathroom and brush my teeth and fix up my hair. "Oooo I should make katsudon for the feast. I bet he would enjoy that!" I cover my mouth "Oops, I was talking to loud. " then I tap my chin, "But what to do in the meanwhile? Ah I know!"

Midoriya's POV: "Mmmm..." I groan out as I hear loud noises even through my closed door. I try to cover out the noises with my pillow but it's not helping either. I sit up and yawn tiredly, "uhg.." I mumble and rub my eyes, "what the--what's mom doing, it's so early."  I got my a--butt off the bed and stretch my arms and legs. But the noise continues which throws me off--"Mom!" I open the door, "What are you doing up so early!" My ears caught her gasping, "NOOOOOothing! Just stay there! Don't come out!" She shouts back, probably from the kitchen. "No mom. I'm coming over!" I walk out and close the door behind me, making my way down the hall. "EEEE! NO IZUKU!"my mom rush over me with her arms wide to stop me. I blink a bit then semi-demand "Then tell me what's going on." I was a lil grumpy but she continues to shake her head."Moooooom" I cross my arms but she gave me a kissu on my cheek, or she tries her best. "Stay in the livingroom Izuku, it's a lil surprise. " then she pats my cheek and pushes me to the livingroom "You better stay here!" She warns and then happily walks to the kitchen.
     But it took her forever, sorry for complaining-it did take her long! I was being obedient and sitting on the couch, it was tempting to get up and leave with all the racket of noise coming from the ktichen. After a few more minutes, the noise finally stops, my mom was a mess--it look like she was covered in flour, eggs?, frosting--my eyes widen a bit. She has a small cake in her hands, "I wanted to celebrate your release early!" My eyes were dripping tears, I haven't noticed until my mom puts the cake down and panics. "H-huh? Oh-sorry mom" I chuckle and wipe my eyes, "I just felt--happy and I didn't know how to control it. " I try to look up at my mom who covers her mouth and after she gave me another bare hug.  "I'm relieved that you feel happy again." she whispers, I close my eyes and embrace her. "Now enjoy your cake!" She let's go of me and hands me over the little cake she baked. Thats a lot of mess for just one cake. "Thanks mom. " I softly smiled and took the fork, stabbing a piece then chew. "Wow mom, this is really good!" I cover my mouth while I speak, cuz it's rude to speak with a full mouth. "Ah it was nothing!" She smiles confidently even though it did take her a few moments . "Heh, alright mom.--" then I gasp and got up, "Today is Saturday! Ah!" I scream a bit "What time is it!?" My mom waved her hands around and laughs, "Calm down! It's only 10!" Then pats down on the couch, "Sit" so I did and told me, "But we should be getting ready, so let's cook up something special!" I rub my head and nodded, "okay!"

((Yeetus Fetus! Another good Ol' chapter done folks--*chokes*))

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