[I see right through you]

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Toga's POV:
As I look at the ceiling I barely realize that Allmight and Eraser head can tell the police! Crap- I sit and get off the bed, and open the door. Bakugo's mom was right infront of me, "a-ah! Don't scare me like that!" She just laughs and ruffles my hair, "Sorry Katsuki, but I was going to ask if you wanted to eat. " I sigh and shake my head, "No mom, I wanted to walk out for air." She looks puzzled "But why, you barely came back from a car crash!" AH SHI--what excuse can I do!? "W-well I just wanted to check on--" I look around then saw a picture of a green haired women, that must Deku's mom. They look really familiar, "On her!" I exclaim. "Oh well..I'm not sure she would--" She says but I hurry and walk pass her. I can hear her call Katsuki's name but I walk out the door. Maybe Deku's mom would be more useful--but I dont know where they live! I stay in the middle of the road, looking for any way of transportation. No luck. "Then I have to go by foot" I begin to run through the streets as people look at my direction. "This isn't good, I must hurry." I tell myself and head towards the trees to hide myself from everyone's eyes. God if I had a damn phone to contact kurogiri. But there is no time for that--I mean I waisted an hour trying to get to the prison. It's better than not going, that would be dumb. I get to the entrance with heavy breathing to catch my OxYgeN. I make my way inside until someone stops me--the guards, UhG. "State your business here." one of them demands me. "I'm here for a visit, to see Izuku Midoriya?" I raise my eyebrow, they both look at me. "Follow us" The second gaurd motions me to follow,I have to, there was no other choice. It was the whole "do you have anything with you?" And "state these obvious facts about yourself" procedure. It took around an hour for me to finish--This was a waist of time. I'm being escorted to the deepest part of the prison, damn how dangerous do they think Deku is? One male gaurd hits the wall "Hey Midoriya, wake up. You have a visitor." he mutters, but stays put. I stiffen to act like I was nervous, geez he has grown! Eek! "Mmm.." he groans then lifts his head up from the table, Deku looks at me in disbelief. He gets up from his seat immediately which alerts the gaurd but I assure them that it was okay. "K-Kacchan?" Deku suttered out, gosh he looks so tired and miserable..cute. "Can you give us some privacy, please?" I turn to the gaurd who nods and closes the door. "Kacchan, I can't believe its you!" He went towards me as far as he could with the hand cuff. So I hurry over like anyone would and hug him tightly..a hug..haven't felt that in a while. I was about to let go but Deku hugs me tighter--"okay okay, I've missed you too" I giggle. "It's been too long." He says and lets go of me, he sits back down, "They kept me in here..I haven't seen the outside" jesus christ. "Well it hasn't really change except for some new proheros." I shrug and sit down in the other seat, "So, how are you holding up?" He chuckles then asks, "I can ask the same thing to you." Okay I need to get my needle ready, I reach for me back pocket..its gone. I look back to make sure I didn't lose it but it wasn't there!? "Kacchan" Deku spoke, "Are you looking for...this?"

I felt tense for the first time, I slowly look over at Deku

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I felt tense for the first time, I slowly look over at Deku.. he was smiling, probably not sense it was too dark. He has my syringe, "What were you going to do with this, kacchan?" I rub the back of my head, "huh? What do you mean?" I was faking to be oblivious but--it didn't work. It's sad how they didn't search me properly, I grab my knife from the other pocket but--

He grabs my neck when I was about to stab him, "T O G A" he grips tighter. I can feel my breath being squeezed out. "L-let me go! You d-d-don't want to kill me, right!" I panic as I grab his arm and squeeze. His bright green eyes were showing..for blood thirst. I stop using my quirk and shout, "You're a pro hero! I-I'll confess just let go!" He can't hear me--the last thing I see is his fist- BAM

Midoriya's POV:
My anger came over my senses once I found a syringe, I knew who this is and I really wanted to beat the shi--out of them but that isn't right. I blinked for a few minutes and see I have knocked Toga out. I panic and let go of her, backing away into a wall, COnVenIEntly the security gaurds knew what this was about, they watched from the cameras. I slide down and sit on the floor, "Does this mean I can finally go home..?" I mumble, my emotions overhwelm my eyes with tears. After 2 years..I'm finally free. The door opens quickly, with police forces taking care of Toga while I put my head down on my knees. I didn't look up until I felt a hand on my head, "A-Allmight..?" The first thing I did was hug him tightly while I cry. Mister aizawa explains something to me, "Midoriya, I know you are relieved that you get to leave this room but--" oh god the buts "You already know that katsuki has been taken by the villain League and I'm afraid they may be doing things to him--" I rush over and Mister Aizawa, "Just give me the location!" Allmight coughs for a bit then puts a hand on my shoulder, "Young Midoriya, you can't go alone, not until you bring 2 people with you. " I blink for a bit, he motions to the door and I look over. Uraraka-san and Kirishima-kun. I bite my lower lip and rush towards them with a tight hug. "D-deku-kun!" She gasps then hugs me back. "Nice to see you again midoriya!" He beams more positively than before, he ruffles up my hair. It was a good 4 minutes before I let go and wipe my tears. I hear Mister Aizawa whisper to all might, "Should we tell him?" I know it was bad news so I ignore it for now. "O-okay, I'm ready" I clench my fist and nod at Uraraka-san and Kirishima-kun. "Alright! Let's go get Bakubro back!" He puts a fist in the air with his happy shark smile. Uraraka clenches her fists and smiles,"Yeah! Let's go!" Aizawa buts in, "Midoriya--" I turn over and he gave me..my old hero suit, "Go, get changed." he smiles a bit for the first time. I nod quickly and head off with uraraka and kirishima who follow at my heel.
I just hope it fits me--after the whole changing sequence, it was a lil tight. They did let me train so I must have gain more muscle but it was only 30 minutes for each week----- Okay enough of that! I walk out and Uraraka-san and Kirishima-kun happily cheer to see me in my old suit. "I can't wait to be working with you again!" Kirishima puts a thumbs up. "I have to get my hero's license before I can do that. But first we have business to attend to. " I nod at them and they nod back.

Time for me to finish what I started.

((Ah another ch. Sorry for not updating earlier. School is one hell of a stress maker qwq is it me or does this chapter seem short?))

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